presented by: Heveli Gutierrez & Amanda Bustillos
- Massa, I., & Rivera, V. (2009). Test review: Wechsler, D., & Naglieri, J.A. (2006). Wechsler nonverbal scale of ability. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt assessment. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 27(5), 426-432. doi:10.1177/0734282908329108
"A general cognitive ability assessment tool for individuals' with English language and/or communicative limitations which targets a population whose performance on intelligence batteries might be compromised by standard verbal requirements."
Administration & Scoring
- Matrices
- Coding
- Object Assembly
- Recognition
- Matrices
- Coding
- Spatial Span
- Picture Arrangement
- WNV Scoring Assistant Software
- Hand Scoring
- Full Scale IQ (2 & 4 Subtest Battery)
- Subtest Scores
- Stratified Sample of 1,323 examinees
- Ages 4:0 - 21:11
nonverbal measure of ability for culturally and linguistically diverse groups
- Stratified Sample of 875 examinees
- Ages 4:0 - 21:11
- Charles Spearman's theory of general
intelligence (g factor)
- Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
- Fluid Intelligence/Reasoning
(Gf) for all subtests
- Short Term Memory (Gsm) for
Spatial Span subtest
- Visual Processing (Gv) for
Recognition Subtest
- Publisher: Pearson
- Author: David Wechsler, PhD & Jack A. Naglieri, PhD
- Year Published: 2006
- Price: WNV Complete Kit $737.95
- Age Range: 4:0 - 21:11
- Qualification Level C
- Pen & Paper Administration
- Administration Time
- Brief Battery 15 - 20 minutes
- Full Battery 45 minutes
- Strong Reliability & Validity BUT for
general population
- Mastery of Spatial Span Task
- Only measures one domain (non verbal)
- Diverse target population
- Language Variety
- User friendly & time efficient
(for the most part…)
- Addresses an underserved population
- 15 Age Groups (4:0 - 4:11, 5:0 - 5:11, ...)
- Equal Number of Females & Males in each group
- Race/Ethnicity: Proportionate to the US Population
- Education: 5 Education Levels
- 8 years or less, 9-11 years, 12 years, 13-15 years
16+ years
- Geographic Regions: Four Major Regions
- NE, North Central, S, W
- Test Content
- Internal Structure
- Intercorrelation
- Factor Analysis
- Relationship with other measures
- WPPSI-111, WISC-IV, WISC-IV Spanish,
- Internal Consistency
- Average coefficients from .61 - .87
- Test-Retest
- Average corrected range from .61 - .87
- Interscorer
- Range from .88 - 1.00