Stage of Ethnic Identity
Implications for Teaching
Family History
- My Past History doesn't affect my Future
- My Ancestors are from Africa both I am not African American
Nations of Origin
Strengths and Resources
Mother's Family
- My Great Grandfather was mixed with Cherokee Indian
- Grandmother was raised in cotton field picking cotton
- First Black accepted in her cooking school
Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream
Rosa Parks - Standing up for her Beliefs
President Obama - First Black American President
- Jaden Amaru Tanksley - my oldest son
- I was a single parent but he taught me how to LOVE again and be LOVED
Difficulties and Hardships
Influential People
- Dads Alcohol Drug Addiction
- Parents Divorce
- Being Blamed For the Divorce
- My Uncles Death
- My Grandmothers Death
- Molestation
- My Kids - My Strength and Happiness
- My Grandmother - I Admire Her Strength & Wisdom
- Uncle - My Protector Always Felt Safe When I Was With Him
Significant Individual Differences
Talents and Interest
- Health & Fitness
- Creative Mind
- Love to Read
- Love Water Sports
- Spending time my Family & Friends
- Private
- Conservative
- Observant
- Shy
- Organized
- Loyal
Physical Attributes
Aspects of Ethnicity
- Almond shaped eyes
- Caramel Skin Complexion
- Sandy Red/Brownish Hair
- Athletic Build
Social Values
Orientation Modes
Home & School Match/Mismatch
- Religious Beliefs = Christian
- Political Views = Democratic
- Education is important
- Family is important
- Private
- Observant
- Uncomfortable around those I do not know
School Successes
- Graduated College Magne Cum Lauda
- Only person in my family with a degree
Transitional Traumas
- Parents Divorce
- Brother sentenced to jail
Intellectual Modes
Verbal Communication
- Kinesthetic Learner
- Hands-on
- "I Do, You Do, We Do" best way I learn
- Aggressive Communication Style
- Speak what's on my mind
- Direct Communication
- Passive Communicators find me harsh and not easy to talk to
Non Verbal Communication
- My arms are my shield. I feel I have to protect myself so I am always guarded; therefore, I fold my arms when communicating with others
My Self Concept Map