Stages of Literacy Development
(7-9 years old)
Increased problem solving capabilities.
Transitional (5-7 years old)
Read with good accuracy and
Students at this stage are more
successful when they
are familiar with the topic.
Nidia Orduno
EDC 272
Letter sounds are made into patterns and/or chunks.
Transitional learners first learn spellings of short vowel rimes as well as word families and phonograms.
Students are able to read more fluently
and independently.
They no longer rely on finger pointing.
Students are able to cease reading aloud
and begin to read silently.
Intermediate students may
focus on a specific reading genre and writing style/type
of writing.
Emergent (3-4 years old)
Five Stages of Literacy Development
* Emergent
* Beginning
* Transitional
* Intermediate
* Advanced
-Also known as: pre-reading stage, -Emergent readers learn proper book
pre-alphabetic phase. handling techniques.
-Emergent readers can use scribbles -Learners often memorize books
or random letters to write. and recite them.
-Learn to recognize environmental print
(eg. McDonalds, Disney, etc)
-Emergent readers recognize the letters
in their name, friends names, etc.
Research suggests that literacy in reading, writing, and spelling are integrally related. The rate of progress can be different for each person.
What are the Stages of Literary Development?
These stages describe how students develop
a series of reading, writing, and spelling skills as they develop literacy skills.
The development of all three are
These stages help target the development of specific skills and differentiate instruction for all students
Advanced (9+ years old)
Beginning (4-5 years old
-Can choose from a variety of reading styles.
-Can develop and master a variety of writing styles.
-At this time, students learn to become "strategic readers."
- Main focus on vocabulary and word use.
-Most of the new vocabulary that students
learn comes from reading.
-New vocabulary reflects on content specific
knowledge and student interests.
Invernizzi, M., Templeton, S., & Johnston, F. (2000). Words their way: Word study for phonics, vocabulary, and spelling instruction ((2 nd ed.)). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Chicago
-Beginning learners understand how -They begin to decode and store
we use the alphabet in our language. sight words.
-Learners begin to see connections
between letters and their sounds.
-They use this understanding of letter
sounds and phonemic cues to begin
reading and writing.
-Learners make errors and require constant support.
-Beginning readers NEED to read aloud to string together their letter sounds.