The Adventures of Aluminum Man
The Final Volume
Being just a normal day in Elementalville, Al Unimum was running his normal daily errands. But little did he know, that it would soon be anything but a normal day and that he would have to reveal his true identity of Aluminum Man, protector of Elementalville and the only one who could foil his enemies' plans of evil.
Suddenly, the villain, Fluor-evil appears, instantly shooting a ray of heat from his heat gun at the hero. As though expected, the metallic Aluminum Man appears, redirecting the heat back towards Fluor-evil, thanking his amazing heat conducting skills. Aluminum Man shoots into the air, flying, not at all affected by his light weight.
Fluor-evil then tries to throw a punch at Aluminum Man, but misses since Aluminum Man has already flattened out due to his malleability. Unfortunately, he is hit by the second blow, pushing him all the way out to Mixture Sea, the freshwater ocean at the edge of the city. Luckily, he floats on the water and instantly hops back up, ready to fight.
Furious with rage, Fluor-evil makes his final attempt. He shoots a ball of fire at Aluminum Man. This being one of his only weaknesses, he nervously folds into the same shape as the fire, a ball. He catches on fire, questioning if he will make it through this great ordeal.....
By: Christopher Robert Avalos
Mr. Malandris
Chemistry Project
Chemical Properties of Aluminum
-Has a resistance to oxidation
Physical Properties of Aluminum
- Good conductor of electricity
-Has a melting point of 660 degrees Celsius
-Has a density of 2.7g/cm3 (centimeters cubed)
Aluminum Man than cast his cape around him and uses it as a force field. The evil Fluor than uses his super sonic ray gun to penetrate against Captain Aluminum Man cape but is un sucessful, the rays bounce off the isotonic cape and in The Evil Fluor Metalic body and Instantly vaporize him and Aluminum Man once again saves Elementaville!!!! HOOORAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The crowd screamed as Aluminum man flew on back to his some what secret cave..