Positive Effects
Even though the Gold Rush did cause a lot of negative consequences, it also had a good outcome. After the gold rush, San Francisco became an important city.
The Loss of Native Americans
Effects of the Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush miners and immigrants caused a large amount of Native Americans to die. Not only did many Native Americans die but also a great part of American culture.
Many Native Americans also died because of starvation. Americans would eat buffalo and take away Native Americans' food. Often when the indians were defending their land, they would be killed.
Positive Effects
After the Gold Rush, new methods of transportation were created. Agriculture and farming expanded throughout the states. Roads, churches, schools, and other towns were built all over California.
Life Before the Gold Rush
Many people lived in California before the forty-niners came. The people that lived here were Native Americans. Before the immigrants came, there were about 150,000 Native Americans and Californios.
The Loss of Native Americans
Lots of Native Americans were killed and hunt down because they would sometimes interfere with the miners and be in their way. Lots of indians also died from diseases that other immigrants brought. This killed a huge number of Native Americans.
The Effects of the California Gold Rush