Can I Copy?
A copyright game of snakes and ladders
Can I Copy?
Copyright Workshop Aims
Using games in staff development
A copyright game of snakes and ladders
- Copyright basics refresher
- Introduce the changes to copyright law
- Active engagement
- Memorable
- Fun
Why use Games for Learning?
- Motivation and competition
- Active engagement
- A trigger for discussion
- Teamwork and collaboration
Snakes and Ladders Scenarios
Game Research
Type of game: digital, traditional-style board games or card games.
Limitations: time, cost, technical skills, resources
Reflections on using the game
- Good feedback from library staff
- Very lively session with lots of discussion
- Session could have been a little longer - game took 35 to 40 minutes to play
- Easily adaptable to new questions or updates
- Overall, worked well for library staff in this context but could consider introducing shorter game elements into training session or a game that involves more decision making opportunities for players