Average rain fall in Greece
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The Average annual rain fall in Greece is around 20 inches.
Average Temperatures
Renewable Energy
In 2008, 8% of Greece's energy was from renewable source. By 2050, Greece plans to use 100% renewable, green energy. The government is spending 20,000,000,000 Euros ($22,757,000,000) to accomplish this goal is the Road map key. It is a plan that will hopefully bring the country out of of its economic crisis and help to stop further global warming.
Average temperature is 19 degrees C. ( 66.3 degrees F)
sumers can have a temprature from around 60, to 100 degrees F. While Winters are as cool as 20 degrees F.
Though Greece has multiple climates because of the chaparral biome so the rain fall and temperatures vary depending on your location
The Carbon foot print divided by the population in Greece is only 8.7% versus the United States witch is at a 18.1%. Greece emits less carbon then many country's around the world. People living in Greece have a very low income, 43% of their income goes to the government. This leaves the people with little or unstable access to everyday usable appliances. Also decreasing their carbon emission.
Seasonal events
Summer is dry and hot while winter is cooler and rainy
Seasons don't severely vary though out the year leaving the Country of Greece with little climate change per season.
Though fires are common during the high temperatures during a year.
Zostera marina,
Eelgrass is a wide range flowering marine plant. You can find it very abundant in the northern hemisphere. This plant is very accustomed to colder climates allowing it to live even farther north under ice. during the summer if the ocean becomes to warm thew grass will die off.
Shallow marine plants can grow in a large range of sizes and colors. The plants are able to grow on the ocean floor because it is still shallow enough for sunlight to reach them.
Introduction to the biomes of Greece
Posidonia oceanica
Neptune grass forms large meadows under the water. This grass plays a very important role in this ecosystem. Because Neptune grass used to abundant it is a very important producer. Though now he meadows are threatened my water pollution.
More on Chaparral biomes.
They feed mainly on small fish and is carnivorous. They are a large food source for humans and are raised on farms for harvesting for food. Some of its predators include birds, larger fish, and humans.
Mediterranean monk seal
Loligo duvauceli
feeds mainly on deep water invertabrates. Its powerful beak crushes its prey, killing it instantly. They lay their eggs on land near the ocean. Normaly on a beach. Sharks and killerwhales are some of the loggerheads predetors.
loggerhead sea turtle
The Tropical two-wing fling fish is one of 65 different types of flying fish. To excape predation the two-wing flyingfish will leap out of the water away from the predator and glide above the waer for great distances. It Feeds on individual plankton in the sea.
Unlike most flyingfish the Tropical two-wing can be found in and around the coast's of Greece along with the open sea.
Monachus monachus
Chaparral climates have very short, wet winters with long, dry summers. The summers can get hot enough to have a drought for over five months at a time. The temperatures can reach up to 100 degrees F. These conditions are well known to allow wild fires to start. Though wild fires can be devastating and hard to control they help keep the population in the biome balanced. Many animals are nocturnal in this biome because of he high tempratures in the summer. Lizards are also well adapted to survive the heat of this biome.
The monk seal is one of the most endangered sea creatures. There are only a total of 600 known individuals surviving today. They used to flourish and be active on beachs, but withing the last century to avoid humans, they have resorted to using sea caves to give birth to pups and mate.
is a small tree that has adapted to the hot temperatures by growing smaller and producing smaller nuts and smaller yellow leaves. It lets the plant retain more water in the stem and branches.
If it grows in a wetter, warmer climate the plant will grow taller and have larger, dark green leaves.
The Cypress tree is well adapted to the very hot and dry summers climate of the chaparral biome of Greece, along with its mild wet winters. This allows it to survive in a wide range of conditions allowing it to become a popular plant to have in urban areas. It is able to live in areas with little water and lots of sunlight. It will also go dormant for winter allowing it to keep growing the following year without freezing.
Though this plant prefers the damp soil, it has found its place in Greece. It flowers in Autumn and winter when the seasons are wettest instead of during the summer months in most other climates. This lets it produce when the plant doesn't have to compete for water as much because other plants have either gone dormant, or the rainy winter seasons give them enough water to use without competition.
Crocus longiflorus
Bay (Greek) Laurel
Mediterranean Cypress Tree
Has small oblong leave that are coated, with a fuzzy underside to keep in moisture. This saves it from loosing to much water which is scarce in the Chaparral climate
Greece has a Chaparral biome. Also shaped by something called a Mediterranean climate. In Chaparral biomes, there can be a variety of terrain. Plains, Hills, and mountains are included in this biome
The Olive Tree
Exocoetus volitans
Swordfish can be found near the surface or around 550 meters underwater searching for prey. Some of the adaptations the swordfish has is when they catch prey, the sword, or bill helps it glide through the water. To stun prey the swordfish will also shake its bill back and forth. It can also keep a regulated body temperature.
Xiphias gladius
Tropical two-wing flyingfish
Mediterranean Climate
Plants that live here have to be able to survive the harsh climate. They have to be able to with stand the summers heat, the winters cold temperatures, The strong winds, rain storms, and wild fires. They materials of most of the plants in this biome are also flammable during the dry season. That is one reason for why wild fires can spread so quickly. Though most of those plants are able to come back from the fire because of long roots and tough bark.
Mediterranean climates have few extreme temperatures making it a mild climate. because of this it only really has two seasons. Summer, and Winter. Summer is longer than the winter season. Summers general have an average temperature above 50 degrees F. The summers are also dry while the winters are rainy because of the ocean currents bringing in warm moist air.
Mountain ranges of Greece
The Highest peak of the Pindus mountain range is Mount Olympus. Generally there is now there for seven months out of the year. It also has become a natural reserve to protect the landscape and wild life. Some of native animals the the Olympus mountain is are Wolves, jackals, deer, and wild cats.
Mount Olympus , in Central Macedonia is the highest point in Greece at 9,570 feet. While the lowest point, the Mediterranean sea surrounding the country on three sides is at sea level.
Chaparral biomes are created when cooler ocean water meets warmer land mass.
The Mediterranean Climate and the Chaparral biome are the only biomes or climates in Greece. The many islands of Greece also have the same Mediterranean climate as the main land. Though they have a few of their own native plants and animals. But there is also a shallow marine
biome in the ocean around Greece and surrounding its 6000 islands.
Plant in the chaparral biome of Greece
Shallow Marine Biome
This is where the water in the ocean is shallow enough for sunlight to reach the ocean floor. Here many different types of marine plants and animals live. Here are where you find coral reefs, Kelp, and many different types of fish, crabs, and hermit crabs.
Skyros Pony
Native the island of Skyros. This small horse is endangered. The herds on the island and mainland have decreased dramatically. Only 252 Skyro Pony's live today, making it a very rare breed of horse.
In the wild these horses used to travel in herds around the plains and hills of Greece feeding on the numerous plants.
The Greek Wild Cat
The Wild Cat
Felis silvestris
Golden Jackal
The Jackal has good nocturnal vision giving it the ability to hunt at night when it is cooler. The Jackal's hearing and sense of smell are much more advanced than that of a human's giving it the ability to track its prey. The Golden Jackal is also know to scavenge road kill and left over kills made by larger predators. Often you can find mating pairs hunting with each other giving them a higher rate of finding food.
These wild cats physical resemble the domestic cat. They range from colors of yellow to medium-brown with black markings and lighter underbellies to camouflage them with their surrounding. They do most of their activities at night to avoid the summers hot temperatures and human activities.
37' 58' N
Native animals of Greece in the Chaparral biome
Located on the continent of Europe
Animals in The Chaparral bime have had to adapt the heat of the dry summers and the colder, wet winters. They are able to do well with little no water around for long periods of time. Some of the birds also migrate to warmers places during the winter to escape the cool season.
This bird of prey can inhabit just about any climate. They are found on all continents except Antarctica. They nest near large bodies of water and the Osprey's diet mainly consists of fish. To hunt their prey the birds of prey search for a fish close to the surface of the water before diving down and snatching it up into its talons.