General Henry H. Arnold
Follower Attitudes and Behaviors
- Gen. Arnold was influential enough to bring others into the war effort.
- Gen. Arnold's dislike of second hand information allowed more open communication between command and HQ
Influence Process
- Gen. Arnold used his skill at flying to expand the US military aviation program vs. just using this for his own personal gain.
- Wrote articles calling for adequate air forces to complete with the rest of the world - was promoted to lieutenant general and was included in all White House military meetings.
- Under his command the US air arm flourished.
- Introduce General Henry Arnold
- Analyze the leadership style of Gen. Arnold
Leader's Behavior
- Cared highly for the development of the developing aviation within the military.
- High level of organization enabled him to accomplish tasks at hand.
- Worked and respected civilian engineers and scientists.
- Born in Gladwyn Pen. June 25th 1886
- Nicknamed "Hap"
- Entered West Point in 1903
- Second lieutenant in the Infantry
- July 6th 1911 won pilots rating
- Married Eleanor Poole
- Promotion to first lieutenant - April 10th 1913
- Promotion to captain - March 1916
Introduction con.
- Received temporary promotion to major - June, 1917
- Temporary promotion to colonel - August, 1917
- Returned to rank of Captain -1920
- Promoted to major - June 1920
- Promoted to five star general - December 1944
- Retired from active duty - June 1946
Leader's Traits
- Motivation - flight awards and promotions
- Courage - from priest to West Point
- Service - development of future airmen, and development of aviation in the service of the country.