We treat our customers card holder data as securely as the PCI DSS requirements dictate. We have a duty of care to treat all of our customers personally identifiable information to the same standard.
Key Benefits
- Increased customer confidence through a higher level of data security
- Increased protection against financial losses and remediation costs that arise from security breaches
- Maintain customer trust, and safeguard reputation
Where we are now......
Currently we adopt the PCI DSS to protect our customers payment card data when it is being stored, processed and in transmission.
The effectiveness of this as a security standard is highlighted by the year on year drop in card data compromises from 96% in 2011 to 48% in 2012.
The idea......
To replace every occurrence of “cardholder data” with “personally identifiable information” in the text of the PCI DSS to create a ready made set of data security controls for all assets / data .
Other large corporations such as Telefónica UK (02) who are considered best in class have adopted a similar approach to great success.
PCI DSS - A Data Security Standard For All Personally Identifiable Information?
How we do it.........
Categorize all of our customers personally identifiable information and its associated risk.
Start with the data we deem most sensitive and apply the same controls to this data as we currently do to payment card data.
Unlike PCI compliance with its strict deadlines and reporting process, we would be able to adopt a measured approach across all systems with the aim of bringing all personally identifiable information into scope for what would essentially become a LNE data security standard.