result: little donation by nike for a "good cause"
Nike - A Global player
aspects of Nike
example for bad aspects of neo-liberal capitalism
successful sports article supplier
with clever and motivating advertising
hypocritical "supporting" campaigns while exploiting cheap labour
entry in the "Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen"
Accusation of:
- child labour
- Exploitation
- grievances in supllying firms
interview with Phil Knight (chairman of nike)
about the dislocation of shoe production to indonesia
great backlash for nike's efforts to present the company as social, eco-friendly and fair trading
Documentary by Michael Moore
Sweatshop Scandal
- general introduction
- Advertising
- Scandals
- assessment
- motivating commercial
- famous idols for viewers
- story ( Way to success )
- product placement
- messaging commercial campaign
- use of stars to underline message
- viewer should think about topic
- Buy product to support campaign
- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nike_28Unternehmen29 (07.09.12)
- http://www.discover-sudan.de/uploads/media/3.10b_Der_Swaetshop-Skandal.pdf (07.09.2012)
- http://dogeatdog.michaelmoore.com/nikerelease.html (07.09.2012)
- main sponsor of the nfl
- advertising contracts with many famous sportsmen
- Status symbol for people around the world
one of the biggest Sports article suplliers
clever advertising campaigns
connection to successful sportsmen
route to success
named after the greek Goddess of victory
Foundation in 1972