A Sound Of Thunder
Who do I want to meet?
I would like to meet President Abraham Lincoln and prevent his death from happening.
I think that by convincing Lincoln to NOT go to Ford's theater the next day, I could change America for the good.
Mr. Lincoln had big plans for the future of the American people of all color. I believe that he deserves a chance to take part in his original plans.
Where will I find this person
and see this event?
I'll definitely be in Washington.
I will first go look for Pres. Lincoln at the white house. Considering how simple it was back then, I could probably get easy access. Especially if I planned ahead of time and got birth certificates and legitimate documents like that to solidify my fake "identity".
If not there, I'll probably just ask around and hopefully I can be suave and accurately find Abe.
Where will I go?
What event would I like to witness?
With my luck, the suspicion that I know who was going to kill Lincoln would put me in jail, but after I give them the names of the now imfamous suspected assasins and they go and investigate their homes & such, the real answer will come out.
I want to witness: Pres. Lincoln's death not happening, the real killers go to jail, and restored peace.
How might I change history?
time travel project
President Lincln was in the process of changing history, but his life was cut short by selfish people. I think that by preventing his death The American Civil War might not have happened.
Lincoln was an influential president and had power over and entire nation. I think that someway, somehow the cause and effect of Lincoln staying alive and being president longer will benifit America greatly.