Learning Objective: YWBAT create an orthographic 3-View from an isometric view.
Essential Question: Why are isometric views useful in drafting?
Unit 4: Engineering
Do Now: Today we're going to complete our first orthographic 3-view from an isometric drawing.
What is an isometric drawing?
After you've set up your border and title block, which orthographic view - top, front, or side - should you start with? Why?
How should you determine where to start that first view?
Line Exercises
Multi-view Drawings
Due today:
Part 1 - Create a drafting template (border and title block).
- Go quick! This should take no more than 5 minutes.
Part 2 - on your template, create the orthographic 3-view from the given isometric image.
- Dimensions on your orthographic 3 view should match those on the page.
3-View Orthographic Projection from an Isometric View
Isometric: a 3D view in which there is no vanishing point. In other words, lines of the object do not converge, making lines along each appear to have equal dimensional weight.
Our Entrance Expectations
- On time.
- Enter the room calmly and quietly.
- Notebook and writing utensil out.
- Actively working on the Do Now.
Participation points will be awarded weekly
- Meet all four of the above = 1 point for the day
- Miss any one of the above = 0 points for the day