Iran Hostage Crisis
November 4, 1979-January 21, 1981
Vol XCIII, No. 311
Revolution in Iran
- In 1979, Shah was overthrown and radical cleric Ayatollah Khomeini was put into power
- The United States stayed out of the conflict, causing Anti-American sentiments to form in Iran
- On November 4, pro-Ayatollah students took 66 hostages from the American Embassy
Origins of the Conflict
Conflict Over Oil
Hostages Taken!
Diplomats and Embassy Employees Held
- Britain and America controlled Iran's oil supply since their discovery
- In 1951, Iran's prime minister planned to nationalize the oil supply
- The CIA and the British Intelligence Agency devised a secret plan to overthrow the prime minister and replace him with someone who would support U.S. and British interests in the oil
- Operation TP-Ajax
- Carried out in August 1953
- New leader was called the Shah, a member of Iran's royal family
- The Shah's government was brutal to the citizens of Iran
- After a short period of time, 13 of these hostages were released
- Women
- African-Americans
- Citizens of other countries (not U.S. citizens)
- Later, another hostage with health issues was released
- By mid-1980, 52 hostages remained
- It was uncertain if they would be tortured, killed, or set free
- Diplomatic efforts were of no use
- Economic sanctions did nothing to stop the situation
- Although never seriously injured, the hostages were subjected to frightening and demeaning treatment
- Blindfolded and paraded in front of TV cameras and jeering crowds
- Not allowed to speak or read
- Rarely allowed to change clothes
"...the released hostages were already under “the oppression of American society.” ~ Khomeini
The 1980 Election
Operation Eagle Claw
Ronald Reagan Wins; Hostages Released
Failed Rescue Mission to Iran
- The Iran Hostage Crisis was a main factor in President Carter's election loss
- Ronald Reagan used this situation to his advantage
- Hours after Ronald Reagan gave his inaugural address, the remaining hostages were set free
- Some claim that Reagan's team arranged this with the Shah and the students holding the hostages
- Reagan always denied these allegations
- The hostages spent 444 days in captivity, but were released peacefully
- Frustrated with the slow pace of diplomacy, President Carter organized a risky rescue attempt
- Plan was to send an elite team of rescues into the embassy to rescue the hostages
- Sandstorm on the day of the mission caused helicopters to malfunction
- One helicopter veered into a transport plane, killing 8 American soldiers