Comparison and Contrast of the Encomienda and Repartimiento Systems
What they did...
- in an ideal situation the relationship was supposed to represent a reciprocal relationship where they both helped each other out
- the Encomenderos instead used the Indians for the wrong purposes in all aspects
So what?
The System of Encomienda
So What Happens Next?
Who tried to help them?
- Overall, the Spanish benefited greatly from the Indians. The labor and precious metals they received from mining allowed for a good life back home. The Spanish had a good outcome from these systems while the Indians were not treated well.
- Missionaries were put in place to try and help the Indians, but nothing was changed. The Missionaries did not like the Indians and instead two sides formed. However, this began to change.
- this system consists of the distribution of conquered towns by the Spanish
- this allowed conquistadors to rule the land and people that were on it (the Indians)
- the Spanish used this concept before to govern Muslims during the Reconquest
- The repartimiento system began to replace the previous with a reform that began in 1549.
What is the Repartimiento?
Where did they work?
- Labor began to become limited meaning that the Indians could be commanded only 45 days a year
- Under the repartimiento system, the Indians worked in the silver mines.