Do Schools
Shortchange girls?
Attending post-secondary institutions
- Majority female in both university and college
Percentage of Students to Attain a High School Diploma
Girls Are Shortchanged!
Engagement at School
Treating Men and
Women Differently
1) Teachers who don't break
stereotype threats
2) Special Education Programs
are exclusive to boys!
3) Gender Roles found in class
Academic Achievement
More than half of
students are girls!
Textbook Arrangements
Teachers Commitment to EQUAL Treatment
Social Behaviour
Historical Developments
Stats and Legislation
Institutional Policies
Higher Academic or Equal Achievement
Percentage of Students by Gender and Age to Attain a High School Diploma in Ontario in 2006
Girls Are Not Shortchanged!
100 Girls Project
- First Nations Education and Family Education
- Education in New France
- Education in Canada, 1800-1900
- British Attempt to Assimilate French Canadian Culture through Education
- Church Schools are First Schools
- Academy Schools offer Broader Education
- Ladies Academy Schools
- Grammar Schools until 1871
- Industrialization and Growing Acceptance of Public Schools
Percentage of Students who Participated in Organized
Extracurricular Activity, by Gender and Age Group
Increased Engagement in School
What does
-In classrooms as majority of teachers are female – engage improves with teacher of the same gender
1) Higher Academic or Equal Achievement
2) Display Better/Improved Behaviour
3)Increased Engagement in School
Display Better/Improved Behaviour
In the TDSB, boys are 3-4 more times likely to be suspended, with only 21% being girls in 2008-2009
- Education in Canada, 1900-1940
- Standardization
- IQ Tests
- Finishing Schools
- Education in Canada, 1940-1980
- Cold War = Greater Investment in Science
- Difference between Boys and Girls Explored
- Menstruation, Pregnancy, Puberty - Barriers to Cognition
- Brain Development Different Between Sexes
- Girls Steered Towards Home Ec., Arts, Languages
- The Rise of Feminism and Civil Rights
- 1982, Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
S15 Equal Rights
Girls Outperform Boys?!
High school drop-out rates Across Ontario
International Laws:
- 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
National Laws:
- 1982 Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Ontario Education Act
- School boards must
- promote a positive and accepting environment for both sexes
- Support activities and organizations that promote gender equity
- Promote prevention of bullying (including gender-based bullying)
So, Do Schools Shortchange Girls?