Water is high in sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium and have a pH that ranges from medium acid to moderately alkaline
- People have also tried to prevent pollution and water flow in the areas
- Many organizations have been made to protect saltwater marshes
- •Laws now exist that prevent the destruction of salt marshes
Human Influence on the Wetlands!
- Over half of wetlands were destoryed to make room for homes and agriculture work.
- Salt Marshes are filling up with the disposal of human garbage and waste.
- Dicked, Ditched, and drained for conversion to agriculture land
- •At least 31 bird species would have become extinct in the past century without them protected areas
Mutualism: •mycorrhizal fungi and plants, produce a mutualism symbiosis
Commensalism: •commensalism between alpheid shrimp and other marine invertebrates and fish are common in waters.
Parasitism: •The dodder has twining orange stems and creamy white flowers. It is parasitic and unable to photosynthesize, and lives off nutrients taken from its green pickleweed host
Competition: Crabs and Raccoons
- •Belding's Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensis beldingi
- •California Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus
- •Maritime Ringlet Butterfly (Coenonympha nipisiquit McDunnough
- •http://water.epa.gov/type/wetlands/index.cfm
- •http://www.nycgovparks.org/greening/natural-resources-group/bronx-river-wetlands/estuary-section/reach-1/saltwater-marshes
- •http://traveltips.usatoday.com/animals-salt-water-marshes-florida-63084.html
- •http://www.geography4kids.com/files/water_wetlands.html
- •http://wfrec.ufl.edu/Subsites/RangeScience/rangelands/saltmrsh.html
- •http://saltmarshlife.com/salt-marsh/animals.html
- •http://www.flickr.com/photos/edgeplot/234762954/
- Google Images
- http://www.grida.no/publications/planet-in-peril/page/1324.aspx
•Saltwater marshes by the shore drain every day at low tide
- •Air temperature may be below freezing in winter and over 90° F in the summer.
- •Salt Hay (Spartina patens)
- Common reed - Phragmites australis
- •Salt Grass (Distichilis spicata
- Crocodile
- Turtle
- Raccoon
- Manatee
- Barnacles
- Clams
- Mussels
- Crabs
- The soil is very poorly drained, mucky or sandy clay loams
- Renewable
- Wind Power
- Solar Power
Saltwater Wetland is prone to saltwater flooding; a marshy grassland area regular flooded with saltwater.
- Feldspar
- Magnesium
- bromine
- Sodium Cloride
Found on all continents of the world in middle and High latitudes
- Salt Marshes are some of the most productive ecosystems in the world and contribute nearly 10 tons of organic matter per acre to the surrounding marine and terrestrial communities according to the Natural Resource Inventory
Saltwater Marshes
By: Hailey Hovda and Alexia John