- 1/5of all black soldiers died in the war (~370,000)
- 1 in 13 white men of military age died,
- 163,000 white women were widowed
- 465,000 wounded
- *20% died, (750k = 7.6M in comtemporary war)
1. Confederates
2. Unionists
3. Abolitionists
4. Egalitarians
Election of 1864
Freedmen's Bureau : Achievements
Republican Party
- provide clothing, medical care, food, and education to both freedmen and white refugees.
- also assumed custody of confiscated lands or property in the former Confederate States, border states, and Indian Territory.
- Successful in promoting education for blacks
- Taught about 200,000 African Americans how to read
- Established over 3,000 schools including several black colleges
- Southern States and some conservative politician opposed it
- Expired in 1872
Freedmen's Bureau
- Aka. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
- Early welfare/reconstruction agency
- Mostly unskilled, unlettered, poor, owned no property/land, little knowledge
and Senator Andrew Johnson
- Congress created Freedmen's Bureau on March 3, 1865.
- Led by Union general Oliver O. Howard
Democratic Party
appealed to people who
disagreed with the Democrats
and Copperheads
Deadly Civil War!
advocated for peace in order to appeal to voters who were weary of war
North & South
Union Civil War Casualties
Laws drafting men into service
March 1863
Combat Deaths: Over 110,000
Other Deaths*: Over 250,000
"determined the outcome of the Civil War"
Confederate Civil War Casualties
Combat Deaths: Over 95,000
Other Deaths*: Over 165,000
- the South could not overcome the North’s numerical strength.
- Southerners had a greater chance of being killed, wounded, or captured.
- Most casualties and deaths were the result of disease
- the primitive nature of medicine, poor conditions, and lack of supplies
"assured freedom of millions of slaves"
Appomattox Courthouse 1865
- Confederate army (Robert E. Lee) surrendered to the Union army (Ulysses S. Grant)
Political Change
- parole officers and enlisted men but required that all Confederate military equipment be relinquished
- conferederate army got to keep their horses
- Virginia ended southern state secession, ending the civil war
- set pillars for a more expanded and powerful federal gov
In a war that was marked by such divisiveness and bitter fighting, it is remarkable that it ended so simply. Grant's compassion and generosity did much to allay the emotions of the Confederate troops. As for Robert E. Lee, he realized that the best course was for his men to return home and resume their lives as American citizens.
"Gentlemen's Agreement"
Republican Congress
Homestead Act 1862
Morill Land Grant 1862
Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus
~13,000 people incriminated w/o trial for suspicion
Confiscation Acts
Emancipation Proclamation
13th amendment
- During the civil war the north’s economy grow by developing war products while south’s economy was falling apart because not many were actually farming
- After the civil war the North's economic successfully grow by building railroads, industry , etc.
- After the civil war the South’s economy had many trouble such as bad plantation (land) to farm on due to the lack of care because of civil war
- reconstruction of houses and building because most fightings were actually taken in the south, no longer slaves to work for free, many left the south, or the slaves has to get paid
gov like union but more emphasis on states rights
Boom in industry
- Political Dominance of the North
- military triumph of the north=new def. of the nature of the fed. union
- supremacy of fed. gov. over the states
- Gettysburg Address, Nov. 19, 1863
“dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
Consequences of the Civil War
1. Human Costs
2. Slaves were prohibited in the U.S.
African Americans received very little political, social, or economic equality
- 100 years white supremacy in the form of Jim Crow laws
- 100 years of racial violence
- 19/24 states didn't permit them to vote
- 1900 southern states passed laws to disenfranchise and segregate African Americans
1964-Civil Rights Act
1965-Voting Rights Act
3. Supporters of Egalitarian rights for freed blacks were defeated
5. Centralized, Federal Power
6. Presidential usurpation of congressional powers & civil liberties during times of war
"The 2nd Civil War"
End of Civil War & Reconstruction
Esther Lee, Erika Lim, Christine Baltazar
- Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey.
The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. 12th
ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001.
- https://www.google.com/search?q=google+images&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=m9mHVIa5DMHkoATAnIDgDQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1242&bih=606#tbm=isch&q=civil+war
- American Pageant 13th Edition (history textbook)
- https://herndonapush.wikispaces.com/Social,+political,+and+economic+effects+of+the+war+in+North+,+South,+and+West