Business culture of Germany
In conclusion Germans:
- Are hard working
- Are strict and exact
- They respect given timelines
and rules
- Are very polite
Germany is well known for
few qualities
- Strict rules and laws
- Different structures in work and the society
- Punctuality at everything
- Hard work and effiency
Organizing and planing are key values in their work and career
Behaviour is usuallu reserved and
formal as in Finland
Business Etiquette
Discussion topics should be thought of forehand. Sertain topics might be inappropriate
Addressing people formally and by their right title is important
Dressing well is excpected
Respect and good manners
Distance between people whilst talking is usually kept a bit further than e.g southern europeans
Western gift giving
traditions are adapted
Business etiquette
Peoples titles must be remembered
Extra humour or "funny business" is not tolerated in german business culture
Germans do not admit faults,
even jokingly, and rarely hand
out compliments.
Eye contact is important and excpected
When conducting business, Germans hate suprises and want everything to go exactly as planned
Commucation is straightforward and Germans speak their mind
They appreciate if you
speak german
Business etiquette