Finally each Mentoring relationship comes to a natural end as the Mentee develops confidence in their new skills, or their project or event reaches completion.
Mentee or Mentor requests
new match and matching process begins again
N.B. The Mentee and Mentor both have the right to end the relationship at any time through a 'no fault break clause'. Local contact may act as liaison between parties if needed.
Mentoring timeline
At their first meeting the Mentee and Mentor agree ground rules, aims and objectives for their relationship
For the next 3 - 12 months
the Mentee and Mentor
meet regularly, reviewing
their progress against
original goals.
They should have
agreed an end date for
the relationship.
Upon successful completion of training the Member is accepted onto the Mentor scheme and is added to a waiting list to be matched with Mentee...
Then the Project Officer matches a Mentee to a Mentor based on their experience, skills and interests. The local contact is also assigned at this point and briefed on their responsibilities.
Members applying to become Mentors are
checked for CRB clearance
All prospective Mentors
attend a training course
developed by the Cooperative College.
First of all, a Woodcraft Folk member encounters the idea of Woodcraft Folk mentoring. This could be from ‘Taster Training Sessions’, from a friend who is involved already or from any of the other ways news of the Mentoring scheme is spreading.
(The mentors in this picture were trained in Spring 2012 and are now mentoring young people doing anything from KPing camps to running group nights).
Next, the member registers an interest in programme with Folk Office. This could be interest in being a Mentor, a Mentee or in taking the background role of local contact.