Analysis of Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber
Bubble Chamber
Charles Thomas Rees Wilson
- X was a neutron
- neutral particle
- mass of neutron is 940MeV/c
- Lifetime of Σ
- accepted value: 0.149 ns
- Percent error: 51.6%
How it works
Sources of Error
Experimental Procedure
- Determine
- radii of the trails
- angle between tangent lines of particle tracks
Subatomic Particles
- Produced in high energy collisions
- Kaons, Sigma particles, Pions, Protons
- Only protons are stable constituents
- Beam of one type of particle aimed at target
- Chain of reactions observed
- measurements of chord lengths, sagitta
- picture resolution
- only one image
Elastic Scattering
- Proton is stable
- at rest
- no track
- Σ is the most unstable
- lifetime of 10 seconds
- decays further into other particles
Initial Reaction
Sigma Decay
- Magnetic field
- 1.34 T pointing out
- Right hand rule
- Length of the trail
- Unknown particle X
- Solve for using conservation momentum
How to Identify Events
- Momentum of each particle
- Lifetime of Σ
- Identity of X
- using conservation laws
- Unknown Particle X
- mass: 943±16 MeV/c
- Lifetime of Σ
- 0.226±0.13 ns
Collision and scattering of negative kaon and proton
K + p K + p