Rocky Election
- Jefferson and Burr tied w/ 73 electoral votes.
- The Constitution mandates that if no one receives the majority, the election is to be decided in the House of Representatives with each state having one vote.
- After 37 attempts, Jefferson finally won.
First Term:
- He was responsible for the Louisanna Purchase which was the largest real estate transaction in history. This $15 million deal doubled American territory.
- He established the Louis & Clark expedition to explore and report on western North America.
Meanwhile, France and Britain are at war and both sides forbid trade w/ the other from all other countries.
Jefferson tried to stop this by pushing the Embargo Act through Congress which banned trade with both countries.
This was wildly unpopular and he rescinded it toward the end of his term.
- His most noteworthy actions showed his flexible use of Presidential power such as in the Louisiana Purchase and the use of the military to confront various threats.
- His quick actions sometimes were his biggest mistakes such as his challenge to his predecessor's appointments and the Embargo Act.
Sneaky Business
- After he was voted out, Adams and the lame duck Congress filled 200 new judicial posts with Federalists.
- Jefferson's immediate action upon taking the presidency was to with hold all judicial appointments.
- This led to the Marbury vs. Madison case.
VP Troubles
- After Burr lost his bid for VP, he challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel and killed him.
- After that, he became involved with a conspiracy to take possession of a part of the Louisiana Territory or to invade Mexico. He was captured and brought to trial on charges of treason in 1807.
- This so enraged Jefferson that he attempted to forgo a trial and be found guilty.
- The Chief Justice said no and disallowed several key pieces of evidence and Burr was set free.
Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican 1801-1809
1st Term VP: Aaron Burr
2nd Term VP: George Clinton