My focus
Supporting Evidence
The issue and why it's important
- Aspartame
- Food Additives which are used to meat
- lean finely textured beef which is called "Pink Slime"
- Many controversial food additives have been using since 1958
- Food additives have negative effects on the human body, and they might be cause of disease
- Clinton administration tried to conduct strict food evaluation, but it failed.
- Fasting has been considered a way of cleaning the inner body for more than 5000 years.
- People are able to keep their health.
- Aspartame is one of causes of obesity and cancer, and it also affects our gene.
- Pesticides which are used for meats might be cause of caner, birth defects, miscarriage, and nervous system disease.
- Many restaurants and American schools had been using"pink slime" which nobody can use for anything, and put ammonia to keep the cleanness of the meats.
- To protect from harmful food additives, we could try: critically examining what government say, eating organic foods, and trying to fast.
My Argument
- Critically examining what government says about the safety of food
- Eating organic food
- Trying to do fasting
Food Additives and their Effect on the Human Body