- Provides guidelines for both consumers and creditors
- Guidlines present procedures to manage disputes regarding billing statements.
- Resolves mistakes on credit billing
- corrects several types of errors
- unauthorized charges
- failure to properly reflect payments.
American Express Co. v. Koerner
- Whenever a creditor sends an obligor a statement of the obligor's account and the obligor states that theres a billing error, the obligor may send the creditor a written notice.
- the creditor must make receipt of it
- investigate the matter
- Then either correct the account or send a written explanation
- Also known as the Truth in Lending ACt
Thank you for your attention!
What is it?
- A federal law designed to protect consumers from unfair credit billing practices.
- Provides guidelines for both consumers and creditors
- Guidlines present procedures to manage disputes regarding billing statements.
What does that mean?
Fair Credit
Billing Act
- Basically, the act resolves mistakes on credit billing
Court Case