All GM WH projects online by 2019
Unit & Executive Dashboards
- Develop dashboards that report roll-up indicator values for all WH projects
Report Form
Feedback Form
- Ready in select languages by 31 Jul 2017
- Link M&E Indicator Table to auto-fill
- Develop training stuff
- How do we continue to handle/make use of reports from the two-thirds of WH projects that will be “continuing projects” in 2017 and in 2018?
Proposal Narrative, Budget, M&E Indicator Table
- Link online reviewer feedback so as to take applicant to proposal section where revisions are requested
- Ready in multiple languages by 15 Aug 2016
- Link PN goal and objectives to auto-fill M&E Indicator Table
- Link M&E Indicator Table to auto-fill REPORT FORM
- Develop protocol for including WH roll-up indicators for all WH projects
Concept Note Form
- Ready in multiple languages by 01 Jul 2016
- Develop forms: identical to current &/or alternative “single entry screens”
- Ensure offline cut & paste ability from Word & Excel
- Make sure every advance is automatically saved
- Develop scroll-over help/tip screens
- Link auto-fill feature from CN to appropriate fields in PN & BGT
- Develop training for Area Desks & companions
- Develop 30-60 min training module for Diakonia & Area Desks use on field visits
- Develop back-up plan for companions unable to enter online
- Collaborate with Lutheran & other ecumenical partners to get their new grants online
- Develop how applicant can help us track certain things (e.g. “Good Gifts” components)
Future Timeline
Upcoming Tasks
(Assumption: Executive for Ops greenlights 01 January 2016)
- Working backwards from 01 Jul 2016 (application window for submission of Concept Notes opens for bringing on first set of New and Renewing grants for WH2017 budget)
- Diakonia PMERL person in place by 01 Nov 2015
- IT identifies FT project manager by 01 Jan 2016
- Software vendor PM start date 01 Jan 2016
- IT change management/software implementation consultant start date 01 Jan 2016
- Diakonia (PD PMERL) collaborates for development of online forms...
- Recommend software to Executive for Operations & Executive for IT
- Executive for Operations names Implementation Team
Parallel Process
Tasks To-Date
June 2014
Parallel Process
Grantmaking Policy Advisory Committee (Mar 2015)
- Develop policy language to define minimum standards for grantmaking (criteria & protocols)
- Finalized RFP for software vendors
- Deadline for vendor response: 18 Aug 2014
- Managing the vendor selection process:
- 6 proposals submitted
- 2 finalists: Fluxx Labs & SmartSimple
- Scheduled software demo visits:
- April & June 2015 (Rebecca) and July 2015 (Carl)
Grant Management Software Selection Team
World Hunger Planning Team Impact Group (Dec 2012)
- 26 roll-up indicators developed
2013: Survey Completed
- 31 distinct grant processes
- 2 major types of grants:
- General Support Grants
- Program or Project Support
- $40,122,900 "grants"
- Largest Grantor: Global Mission
- Largest Grantee: Overseas Churches
Implementing Grant Management Software
in Global Mission
January 2012
- Grants Discovery Process (inventory/survey)
- Review Policy for Grantmaking
"Cross-unit Team on Grant Making" established