Consequences on American Colonies and Culture
Population increases
Disease spreads
Money/Wealth increases
Mixed Culture established - Melting Pot/Cultural Diffusion
Consequences on Enslaved Africans
Consequences on African Society
African Slaves are viewed as property and savages (Demoralized)
This results in increased slavery and death
Population Declines
Death Increases
African's lost their strongest Males
This broke up families and tribes
Effects of the Commercial Revolution
Growth of Towns in Europe, Merchants become wealthy, increase wealth of European Nations
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Europeans Benefited because:
- Receive Gold
- Gain Colonies
- Favorable Balance of Trade
- Slaves they can use as cheap labor
The need for African slaves in the Economy:
- Cheap Labor to replace Native Americans who died from disease
- Africans are immune to European disease
- Farming experience
- Hard to escape because they did not know the land
1650 --> 300,000 Slaves
European Countries Involved:
1690-1807 --> 1.7 Million Slaves
The Commercial Revolution
Commercial refers to commerce or trade
Revolution means Change
So Commercial Revolution = change int he way people trade/do business.
- Economic system based on private ownership and investment for profit
- Merchants invest in trade
- Inflation - Large money supply, supply of goods is less than demand = prices rise
- Power comes from wealth
- Favorable balance of trade - a Nation sells more goods than it buys
- Colonies provide:
- Silver and gold, raw materials, markets
Columbian Exchange
Positives exchanged from Africa to the Americas:
- Coffee Beans
- Sugar Cane
- Horses
Items Exchanged from Europe to Africa:
Items exchanged from Americas to Europe:
- Tomato
- Potato
- Maize (Corn)
- Tobacco
- Syphillis
This led to an unintentional "Tsunami of Bio-Terrorism" in which millions died.
The Effects of Exploration: Global Trade
The Columbian Exchange
- Global Transfer of food, plants, animals and disease
- Named after Columbus because it resulted from his discovery of the New World
- Important Items:
- Corn and potatoes - Cheap, Nutritious
- Livestock: Horses, Cattle, Pigs
- Disease
What is the Columbian Exchange and the Atlantic Slave Trade?
The Columbian Exchange and Atlantic Slave Trade
Why is trade so important for the world at this time?