India's Dying languages
Statistics based on the People's Linguistic Survey of India:
- There are 800 languages and dialects across India.
- 96% of the 380 spoken languages are endangered.
- 300 languages have become extinct.
- 220 languages have disappeared in the last 50 years.
- 150 languages will disappear in the next half century.
- 96% of Indian natives speak the 4% of the major languages.
Works Cited
- Homegrown. "Nihali: Is This India’s Most Unique Language, Untraceable In Its Origins?" Homegrown. N.p., 8 Jan. 2016. Web. 07 Sept. 2016.
- Kumar, Gudipati Rajendera. "India Rapidly Losing Its Languages." News Dog. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2016.
- Lakhe, Amruta. "Nurture My Tongue: A Linguist's Quest to Preserve an Endangered Language." The Indian Express. N.p., 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2016.
- "Nihali Language, Indo Aryan Language." Nihali Language, Indo Aryan Language. N.p., 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2016.
- "Nihali Language." Revolvy. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2016.
- Basu, Paroma. "What Happens When a Language Dies?" National Geographic News. N.p., 26 Feb. 2009. Web. 7 Sept. 2016.
- Language Death by David Crystal
Language Background
- It is spoken in West-Central India (Jalgaon Jamod, Maharashtra).
- It is estimated that there are only 2000 speakers left .
- Nihali is not part of any of the Indian language families.
- According to linguists it is a ‘language isolate’.
- No known dialects.
Dr. Shailendra Mohan interacts with local villagers to gain more information about the language.
"What are your views on the trajectory of Indian English?"
Designed by Taarika John
Why is it endangered?
Language Preservation
- Massacre in the 19th century.
- Letting the indigenous language fall into disuse in early childhood.
- "Three language formula"
- Adapting to a city.
- Marriages.
Revitalisation - 6 factors (David Crystal)
To document the language and to have a strong educational system in the community
Impact on community’s culture
- Culture will be abandoned and will ‘die’ together with the language.
- Loss of identity and linguistic diversity
- The future generation will not get the chance to learn the language.
- Other cultures would not acknowledge their culture’s existence.
- Creates gaps in history
Nihali Language
Ama & Raquela