- actaully clusters of thousands of tiny flowers combined
The sunflowers scientific name is Helianthus. "Heli" means sun and "anthus" means flower.
The sunflowers division is Magnoliophyta. Its kingdom is Plantae.
A sunflower has blossoms of yellow, red or orange rays of petals fanning around disks with smaller petals. A sunflower has a green stem and two leaves on its side. Sunflowers grow to 10 or 12 feet.
Location and Nutrition
A sunflower can be found anywhere, as long as there is sun, water, soil, oxygen, and space.
Photosynthesis is how a sunflower eats. It takes in carbon dioxide and sunlight and makes food with it. It gives out oxygen and it starts all over again.
A sunflower reproduces from large seeds from the center of the flower head. These seeds go through pollination. Primarily, bees pollinate sunflowers.
Interesting Facts
Sunflowers are known for their golden color
A sunflower can be bred to change characteristics.
Pollen in a sunflower cotains a sperm that fertilizes eggs in the femlae parts of the sunflower.
Sunflower seeds are yummy delicious snacks, that are healthy for you as well.
The End
Lauren Markwith 7-1
SLE:3.2, 3.3