Everybody Writes & Format Matters
By: Sam Gilbert, Hanan Huneidi, and Jared Heifetz
Format Matters
Benefits of Everybody Writes
Provide a instructional guidance for
students to learn correct grammatical format and complete sentences "which is the battering ram that knocks down the door to college"
Model of Format Matters
- Teacher upholds a classroom standard of "language of opportunity"
- Teacher guides students to use prefered gramar by:
- Identifying the error
- Begining the correction
- Reminding students of format before answer is offered
Example of Begining the Correction
Teacher begins rephrases an erroneous statement or question:
Example of Identifying the Error
Teacher repeats back error in form of a question:
Example of Reminding students of format before answer is offered
"Who can tell me in a complete sentece what the settng of the story is?"
"You wants me to go?"
- Allows teacher time to review student's responses (reading over their shoulders) in order to "select effective responses"
- Allows teacher to "cold call students" in a simple and natural way with the knowledge that everyone has had time to prepare a response
- Allows every student a chance to be a part of the classroom conversation (not just the quick thinkers)
- "Processing thoughts in writing refines them"
Benefits of Everybody Writes Cont.
- Allows teacher to steer students in a "fruitful" direction
- "Students remember twice as much what they are learning if they write it down"
Model of Everybody Writes
- Teacher provides thought provoking question
- Students are given time to reflect and write a response
- Teacher guides a thoughtful classroom discussion
Everybody Writes
Benefits of Format Matters
- Enables students to communicate in a professional manner
- Prepares students for future successful work and collegiate careers
Provide a platform for students to participate in "rigorous engagement" through provided reflection then discussion blocks.