The Falcon Passport Program (working title)
What it costs
Proposed budget year one:
•20 full color posters (24X36”) @ $2 ea. = $40.00
•50 full color posters (11X17”) @ $.13 ea. = $6.50
•500 “Passports” @ $0.50 ea. = $250
•Hospitality funds for fall planning 2013 kickoff (faculty): $500.00
•Hospitality funds for fall welcome back 2013 kickoff (students): $1000.00
•Work Study (to serve as Falcon Passport Program representative and issue stamps at events): $7.79/hr. X 5 hours a week X 30 weeks (fall & spring semesters) = $1,168.50
Total: $2,965.00
A Planning Council Proposal
March 20, 2013
A Solution:
The Falcon Passport Program (working title) aims to connect foreign language courses, study abroad programs and globally-themed co-curricular activities offered throughout the academic year, and provide students a credential for their participation. This initiative will support the Institutional Outcome of Cultural Literacy by increasing our students’ exposure to a variety of cultures, perspectives, backgrounds, and provide them a greater awareness of the world in which they live.
How it Works:
•The Office of Global Education & Affairs (GEA) will maintain a Falcon Passport Program (FPP) website which will promote all Falcon Passport Program-approved events and activities.
•Students will sign up through the website via an online application (pretest).
•A Falcon Passport will be provided to each student. Students will choose from two tiers of participation.
How it Works (continued):
Once students have fulfilled the requirement of the program, they will be asked to submit a program completion application online.
This application will contain a series of questions related to cultural literacy which will serve as a post-test.
The College will then be able to compare each student’s pre and post-test with the intention of measuring gains in cultural competencies as a result of their participation in the Falcon Passport Program.
The Issue:
How it Works (continued):
Currently, Daytona State College offers its students many opportunities for global engagement (language courses, study abroad opportunities, films and exhibits at the SEMP, guest speakers, an annual culture festival, music & theater productions, etc.). However, these events are promoted independently of one another with varying marketing strategies and levels of success. As a result, students often are not aware of the opportunities available to them and lack a compelling reason why they should participate.
How it Works (continued):
Tier One: Awards students with a Certificate of Completion: Students will be asked to attend 4 Falcon Passport-approved activities* as follows:
- 1 arts & culture
- 1 lecture/presentation
- 1 service learning
- 1 activity of their choice
*At each event, a Falcon Passport Program representative will be on hand to physically stamp each student’s passport.
Tier Two: Awards students with a Certificate of Completion & a Recognition of Cultural Literacy will appear on their transcripts.
In addition to the Tier One requirements, students will be asked to:
- complete two sequential levels of foreign language
- complete a study abroad program
*The pilot year of the program could be restricted to tier one, allowing the program to be expanded to include the tier two option in the 2014-15 academic year.