The Silver Linings Playbook
The Antagonist
The Antagonists in "The Silver Linings Playbook" are the major depressions Pat is suffering through as well as the divorce from his beloved wife Nikki.
All the way through the storyline he is struggling with both issues and tries to learn how to deal with them.
The Silver Linings Playbook
A Prezi Presentation by Paula Koch
- Pat is the PROTAGONIST in Silver Linings
- After beating up his wife's lover he gets sent to a mental health clinic where he stays for years
- He is suffering from depression and massive anger attacks
- He is a MASSIVE Philadelphia Eagles fan
- Tiffany is the second PROTAGNIST in Silver Linings Playbook
- She has lost her husband and therefore suffers from depression
- She has lost her job due to inappropiate activities with her coworkers
- She is an amazing dancer
- Everybody describes her as insane
Pat's Family
Pat's Therapist
The Setting
The majority of the story takes place in 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pat is a member of a normal middle class family, other social aspects are not mentioned.
For a very small amount of time (the first few pages) the story takes place in Baltimore, Maryland.
- Pat's family consists of his mother Dolores, his father Patrick and his older brother Jake
- While Pat's mother and brother are supportive, Pat's father is not as easy to love
- Pat's therapist is Dr. Cliff Patel
- Pat and Cliff become very close friends
- Cliff is a major part of Pat's life
- They share an equal love for the Philadelphia Eagles
The Theme
Hidden Symbol (2)
Hidden Symbols (1)
The second symbol in the novel is the whole relationship between Pat and Tiffany. At first Pat doesn't really like her but later discovers that she actually is very much like him.
The first obvious symbol in the novel is even contained in its title. It is the silver linings that Pat mentions and clings to all the way through the story.
'Silver Linings Playbook' is talking about the way people in today's society deal with depressions and or other major difficulties in their lives.
It gives us an example of how mental health illness can affect you on a daily basis and how hard it is for the family and the person themself, to deal with it in the right way.
The silver linings around the dark clouds.
Never ever lose hope. There are always better days coming your way!
Pat and Tiffany's relationship.
Never judge a book by its cover!
My Reaction
I would recommend the book to people who:
- are at least 12
- enjoy books dealing with more difficult issues than heartbreak
- enjoy genuine/realistic stories
- enjoy humor
- enjoy young adult books
"If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying."
- Pat
I really enjoyed reading this novel because:
- Matthew Quick has a really special way of writing (it is creative and easy to read)
- Great characters like Pat and Tiffany
- Talking about a serious issue like depression in a way teenagers are able to actually follow along
- Good humor and not only describtion of a depressed life
- Great message: "There is always a silver lining around the dark clouds!"
I wouldn't recommend the book to people who:
- enjoy action
- enjoy fantasy/mystery novels
- are looking for cheesy unrealistic lovestories
I honestly think that this quote is somehow summerizing the whole book. I feel like it brings across the message the author is putting into this novel perfectly.
This sentence is Pat's motivation and the thing that keeps him going whenever he feels like giving up. And I think he is not the only one.
The Movie