We are here because we want to inform you on the proper way to wash your hands and tell you how important it is to wash your hands before and after using the 6th grade computer lab mouse.
1. Most people don’t realize that four out of five germs that cause illness are spread by hands. Hand washing protects your health by removing the dirt and germs that get on your hands during almost all activities.
2. A number of infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another by contaminated hands, particularly gastrointestinal infections, influenza and hepatitis A
50% of Middle school and High school
students say they wash their hands.
Mrs. Allisons 4th period had a choice to take a sample of something and our group chose a mouse in the 6th grade computer lab.
Hand washing:
1.Wet hands with warm, running water
2.Apply soap
3.Rub hands together vigorously for 20 seconds
4.Rinse hands well under running water
5.Dry hands using a paper towel or air dryer
6.Use a paper towel rather than your fingers to turn off the faucet
Rub it in well. About 30 seconds of brisk hand-rubbing will give the gel time to soak into your skin. Don't touch anything else until your hands are completely dry. Note: if your hands have dried in 10 or 15 seconds, you haven't used enough sanitizer.
When to wash:
Before, during, and after preparing food
Before eating food
Before and after caring for someone who is sick
Before and after treating a cut or wound
After using the toilet
After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
After touching an animal or animal waste
After handling pet food or pet treats
After touching garbage
how many middle and high school students actually say the wash their hands?
A. 50%
B. 100%
C. 30%
D. 60%
A. 50%
Name the six steps of washing hands
1.Wet hands with warm, running water
2.Apply soap
3.Rub hands together vigorously for 20 seconds
4.Rinse hands well under running water
5.Dry hands using a paper towel or air dryer
6.Use a paper towel rather than your fingers to turn off the faucet
Name the steps to applying hand sanitizer
Rub it in well. About 30 seconds of brisk hand-rubbing will give the gel time to soak into your skin. Don't touch anything else until your hands are completely dry. Note: if your hands have dried in 10 or 15 seconds, you haven't used enough sanitizer.
Name a fact about
hand washing
A number of infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another by contaminated hands, particularly gastrointestinal infections, influenza and hepatitis A
Of what was the sample we took:
A mouse
fill in the blank:
The End
out of 5 germs that cause illness are
spread by hands.
The reason we choose the 6th grade computer lab mouse is because we wanted to see how much germs are spread by 6th graders and give them an example on how to wash their hands.
Tips on how to sanitize your hands:
hand washing
without cleaning or disinfecting
This is why you should wash your hands after using a mouse in the 6th grade computer lab:
After Cleaning with water
Information About Washing Hands
after disinfecting