Peak By: Roland Smith
Sun-Jo said he could not do it until Peak pulled Sun-Jo ahead of him until Sun-Jo became the youngest person to fully scale Mt. Everest. Peak sacrificed his glory for Sun-Jo, and the whole thing was recorded.
Peak and the crew headed all the way back down from camp 6, to the ABC, all the way back to the base camp. Zopa rode with Peak all the way to the airport, and thanked Peak for giving his grandson the opportunity to be the youngest person to summit Mt. Everest. Peak rides the 24 hour plane ride back to New York, and finishes his second notebook for school. He comes back home and sees his family again. His mom befriends Holly, and he lives on as a different person
"The only thing you'll find on the summit of Mt. Everest is a divine view. The things that really matter lie far below."
Chapters 40-45
For the next two days, Zopa pushed them to their limits trying to get to the summit. Once they made their campsite, they discovered that Zopa was very sick. He was in no condition to go on further but he continued anyway for Sun-Jo and Peak. Luckily, Zopa was sick, because a huge storm came by and killed 3 of the climbers. If they wouldn't have been so slow, they would have been those who died. They went on without Zopa, as he was unfit to finish the trek. After another 6 hours, they had made it to camp 5. On their way though, they had seen multiple dead corpses, pushing them to go on farther, so they wouldn't end up like them. They heard news that chinese were headed up camp four tomorrow to look for Sun-Jo, so they rushed up to camp 6 with their oxygen masks. They stumbled into camp 6, which was 26,000 feet up. They calculated that they had 12 hours to get there. They encountered 2 snowfields with snow breaking off every minute. There were aluminum ladders set up for them to climb to get over the wall, but the slippery rungs made it difficult to climb. Then, they rappelled up the rest of the wall. They did not think that they had the strength, but they muscled their way through. They climbed over an edge to rest, then walked up the rest of the climb, encountering more corpses. Peak pushed ahead until there was only 600 feet left. He felt like the highest person on earth and could not describe how beautiful the view was. Sun-Jo said he could not do it until Peak pulled Sun-Jo ahead of him until Sun-Jo became the youngest person to fully scale Mt. Everest. Peak sacrificed his glory for Sun-Jo, and the whole thing was recorded.
Reader's Response
I liked this book because the story is very good, and it makes you not want to put the book down. The ending has a very nice plot twist, and enjoyed the personality of the characters. I would recommend this book to a friend/.
Chapters 36-40
The next morning, they met two feet of snow. Zopa told them that there were plans of bringing oxygen to camp five, as they were hit by the snow harder. He also radioed camp 6 telling the people there to get down ASAP. The people at camp 4 also made their way down back th the ABC, as the ABC was a safe point of shelter, meaning they had to start again from the ABC. They got captain Shek, part of like the red cross for the Peak Experience and a part of customs to send helicopters to camps 5 and 6. While at camp 4, Shek arrested Zopa, because he stood up against the arrest of Sun-Jo for illegally climbing Everest, but Zopa released soon after.
Peak got a call from his mom, saying she received the letters, Rolf told Peak how he missed him, and his twin sisters talked about how they missed him.
Two days after that, Zopa came to Peak and told him they were to take a shortcut to the ABC to make the trip quicker, as to avoid Shek finding Sun-Jo. The shortcut meant that there would be no camps along the way, and it would be less safe, as it was not a trail that they followed.
Zopa, Sun-Jo, and Peak met their first obstacle, an icicle wall, which took about an hour to cross. But, they were able to catch up to the rest of the group soon after. After dinner that night, Zopa got new over the radio that three more people had made it to the summit. Zopa later that night decided to wake everyone up very early to get to the summit as fast as possible.
Peak and the rest of the crew had been climbing up by using ice axes, until disaster struck. Sun-Jo's axe had broken, and no one was close enough to help. Sun-Jo could only hold on for a little longer. Yogi and Yash dropped a rope to Peak, who dropped it to Sun-Jo. Peak secured the rope and pulled Sun-Jo up until he regained his grip on the wall. Luckily, Sun-Jo was unhurt, but once they made it to level ground, they heard news of two truckloads of chinese soldiers looking for Sun-Jo.
Chapter 26-30 summary
That next morning, the cameraman, JR, decided to start rolling the cameras to capture the climb. They made Peak stand next to a boulder, as it popped out of its place and crumbled down the mountain, providing good footage. While this happened, Sun-Jo started telling the story of his dad. This made the film crew want to record every second that they could.
There were 6 camps, which the ABC lay somewhere in the middle, and they had just arrived at camp two the next morning.
They decided to try to head up to camp 4 the next day. The weather had worsened once again, so they made a trough to walk through. Zopa warned that if they walked off the trough, they would be forever lost in an ice maze.
After 2 more days of trekking, they had finally made it to the camp, where they learned that the ABC was 21,161 feet above sea level. Peak described the camp as paradise, as it was relatively flat and was a permanent camp, meaning it was not only comprised of tents.
The film crew was able to film the triumphant arrival, as Sun-Jo and Peak went to a tent. Peak had had a sore throat, so they headed off to a doctor.
The next day was spent lying in their tents trying to heal, as Peak had antibiotics.
His throat was relieved as they left again the next morning to head toward camp 4. The three day trip took them only 9 hours, as they didn't stop once. Once there, they rested before heading to the ABC.
While in the base camp, he went to the HQ tent and saw that he received letters. One from Rolf, two from his mom, and 5 from his twin sisters.
He later discovered that Sun-Jo was very ill, but would live.
Chapters 15-20
Chapters 31-35
Holly Angelo introduces herself along with the rest of the film crew and brings them to the mess hall tent.
After spending a few weeks at the base camp, Peak decides to go explore the rest of the camp.
He saw William Blade, a famous actor; Dr. Leah Kreiger, the doctor of the expedition (who people thought was a Nazi), and Holly Angelo, who interrupted people with her obnoxiousness.
A few days before the start of the trek, Peak and the rest of the crew attended a Puja, a Buddhist blessing ritual that happened before all climbs.
Just as the Puja ended, a large snowstorm ravaged the area, leaving it hard for Peak to get back to his tent, and delaying the trek.
Peak and Sun-Jo had went around helping others dig out their tents, then heard that Peak's father and Dr. Leah had been stuck up by the Puja area. They went to go and help them find their way back.
Before reading the letters, he decided to only read the one from Rolf, and save the others for later. The one from Rolf said he wanted Peak home, and that they missed him. While writing a reply letter, he was able to finish the first notebook given to him by his English teacher, writing about all of the adventures he had experienced so far.
The next morning, there was a secret meeting at HQ. Only a few were invited to meet. They discussed that a major virus had been spreading, as Peak got it, Sun-Jo had had it, and even William Blade, the actor had it. Dr. Leah said that it was pneumonia, and they had quarantined some of the campsite. They were debating whether or not they would continue the expedition with them. They decided to continue the trek, as they wanted to give Peak his glory, and Zopa had interrupted saying there was no point in canceling the entire trip for a few people. Josh told everyone including the film crew that they were to head from the ABC to the summit, they would just not tell the rest of the climbers.
They (secretly) split up into three groups: A, B, and C. Peak, Sun-Jo, Joshua Wood, the film crew, and Zopa were in team C.
They devised a game plan and headed off to camp 4. On the way, they met a young man named Gulu, who told stories of how he survived climbing the peak without getting caught by the Chinese, providing more stuff for the film crew to record, and gave some climbing tips to group C.
At sunrise the next morning, Zopa woke Holly and Peak up to finish their journey to camp 4. Group C joined a group of porters up to the intermediate camp, which was not difficult at all. Over the radio, they heard three climbing parties were headed up to the summit. Peak checked his altimeter and saw that they were 22,965 feet up. Their journey was stopped by a steep pitch of soft ice, as could have easily fallen through. They fixed ropes, so they could safely walk across. 4 hours after starting, Peak made it to the steepest part, as camp 4 lay above. He toughed through it and made it to camp 4, as Yogi and Yash helped Holly and Peak up.
Chapters 10-14
While in a hotel in Kathmandu, a Nepalese boy named Sun-Jo knocks on his door and was the one who escorted Peak to the van to a temple where Zopa lived.
The next morning, Sun-Jo, Zopa, Peak, and two other sherpas drove toward Tibet to head for Base Camp
After hearing stories about how China had invaded Tibet and spoken about how many Buddhist monasteries had been destroyed, they arrive at a monastery, the last stop before base camp.
Sun-Jo and Peak behind, as the two of them climbed for ten days before finally reaching base camp at 17,000 feet.
At base camp, Sun-Jo and Peak meet his dad and Zopa again, as well as two brothers named Yogi and Yash. His dad introduces him to "Peak Experience" an adventure travel company his father had started for people to scale Mt. Everest. There were about 350 people there waiting to climb as well. His dad then introduces him to the team who would be covering the entire climb, a camera crew and reporter, the same reporter from New York who had reported his building climbing incident.
While in their tent, Peak and his dad talk about how many people were trying to climb Everest, such as a celebrity, an actor, a football player, etc. They also had to keep the whole matter quiet, as China may not like having a 14 year old climb Everest. While talking, the reporter, Holly Angelo, interrupts them.
Chapters 1-4
Chapters 20-25
Chapters 5-9
The protagonist, of the book, Peak Marcello, is arrested for climbing a building and putting graffiti on the side of it
Peak gets put in a juvenile detention center
His English teacher visits and says he needs to write a story to pass school, so he is given 2 notebooks to write a story down to graduate
His mom visits and said that a kid died trying to copy what Peak did, so he would be put on trial
Peak receives 18 months in a juvenile detetion center until his biological father Joshua Wood, a famous mountain climber, decides to take custody of him and bring Peak home with him to Thailand
After a rough four hours of digging out ice and snow, all 5 of them had made it back to base camp safely.
The next morning yielded the best weather since they had been at base camp, it was 28 degrees with no wind chill.
Peak had been packing for their trip to what they called the ABC (Advanced Base Camp), which was the permanent base camp at 21,000 feet.
After packing, Peak, Sun-Jo, the film crew, and the rest of "The Peak Experience" had set off to head toward the ABC.
After climbing for about 2 hours, they made it to the intermediate camp, located on the edge of a cliff next to a large glacier and roaring river.
Zopa said it was level, as any slope could have resulted in death if not careful.
As they stopped to make dinner, Peak talked to Holly, and she seemed very dehydrated and exhausted, but Persevering. At 19, 028 feet, Peak was considering how she would get help if she needed it, as there were no ambulances up that high.
They set up their tents for the night, as Zopa made tea to ease Peak and Holly from dehydration and exhaustion.
Peak waits in the airport for 4 hoursAfter the long flight to Bangkok, they stay in a hotel overnight. The next day, his dad takes Peak to an unexpected physical at a doctor's office. Later, Joshua Wood reveals that there would be a slight delay before reaching their destination, a city called Chiang Mai. They would be going to a city called Kathmandu first, and climbing Mount Everest. His dad's goal was to get Peak to the top before he turned 15, so he could be the youngest person to reach the top of Everest.His dad had been on his way to Everest when he heard about Peak. He told Peak that a sherpa named Zopa would take him to base camp, the first part of the journey While in a hotel in Kathmandu, a Nepalese boy named Sun-Jo knocks on his door and was the one who escorted Peak to the van to a temple where Zopa livedWhile in the temple, Zopa introduces himself and tells of the adventures he had climbingThe next morning, Sun-Jo, Zopa, Peak, his father, and two other sherpas drove toward base camp.