Maximizer vs Satisficer
1. I often fantasize about living in ways that are quite different from my actual life.
2. No matter how satisfied I am with my job, it's only right for me to be on the lookout for better opportunities.
3. When I am in the car listening to the radio, I often check other stations to see if something better is playing, even if I am relatively satisfied with what I am listening to.
If you have a total of 35 or more you are a maximizer. 50 or more and you are an extreme maximizer.
4. When I watch TV, I channel-surf, even while attempting to watch one program.
5. I often find it difficult to shop for a gift for a friend.
6. When shopping, I have a hard time finding clothing that I really love.
7. Renting videos is really difficult. I'm always struggling to pick out the best one.
Put a number from, 1 - 7 next to each item. We will add up our score when we complete the quiz.
1 - Completely Disagree to 7 - Agree Completely
8. I treat relationships like clothing: I expect to try a lot on before I find the perfect fit.
9. No matter what I do, I have the highest standards for myself.
10. I never settle for second best.
- Limitations
- Why the different responses to high standards?
Having high standards for decisions is not a negative but a positive for Americans sense of well-being but for Japanese it is negative.
The goal was to advance understanding of the relationship between maximizing and well-being.
- Compared US and Japan
- Males and females
- Completed 2 maximizing scales & 3 well-being scales