TP11320 Studying Theatre 2 - Week 1
Module details and regulations (cont.):
Week 1: The Cherry Orchard - Naturalism and Realism
Work in pairs or groups of three; discuss for 15mins before presenting your results to the whole group.
- Brainstorm and discuss what you understand by naturalism and realism
- Identify key similarities and differences between naturalism and realism
- Identify aspects of naturalism, realism and symbolism in The Cherry Orchard
- Identify ways in which Chekhov represents a cross section of Russian society with his characters
- marking criteria on Blackboard (we will discuss these in session)
- deadlines on TFTS site under "Current Students" >> "Deadlines" >> "Semester 2"
- read and follow Departmental Style Guide
- I am your primary marker; Louise (lhr08; coordinator) will moderate
- appeals have to be made within 7 days of receiving a mark to Martine Smith (mis)
Module details and regulations:
- 1. Essay: select one of the questions on Blackboard (40% of module grade)
- 2. Seminar presentation: 10mins solo presentation in weeks 7-9 (20% of module grade)
- 3. Written exam: 2hrs, unseen paper, no notes to be taken in (date to be set; 40% of module grade)
- weekly sessions (in IBERS 0.32; no session during Reading Week!)
- read module info on Blackboard carefully
- for academic, module related questions, email me: lak9 (available Mo-Fri, 9am-5:30pm)
- for health and welfare issues, contact Mags (email: mma) or your personal tutor (see Student Record)
- all attendance is monitored and complusory; you will need proof if you are absent (doctor's note, etc.)
- leave of absence (funerals, weddings, auditions) has to be granted by Head of Department (Anwen Jones; email: aej) prior to session in question
- extensions: apply at least 3 days prior to deadline to Year 1 Tutor (Dr. Jamie Medhurst; email: jsm)
- special circumstances has to be requested after a missed deadline
- all forms on TFTS website under "Current Students" >> "Departmental Documents"
Presentation week allocation:
Week 7
Aneurin Britton
Karolina Kwant
Daniel Stewart
Week 8
Danielle Evans
Abigail Lake
Grzegorz Sawica
Week 9
Dimitra Kaneva
Franzisca Masia
Molly Payne
Recommended further reading:
- Allan, D. (2000) ‘The Line of intuition and feeling: Chekhov and the Stanislavski System’, in D. Allan, Performing Chekhov, London: Routledge.
- Auslander, P. (1997) From Acting to Performance – Essays in Modernism and Postmodernism, London / New York: Routledge
- Carlson, Marvin (1984) Theories of Theatre: A Historical Survey from the Greeks to the Present. Ithaca / London: Cornell University Press
- Counsell, Colin (ed.) (2001) Performance analysis: an introductory coursebook, London / New York: Routledge
- Counsell, Colin (1996) Signs of performance: an introduction to twentieth-century theatre, London / New York: Routledge
- Drain, Richard (1995) Twentieth-century theatre: a sourcebook, London / New York: Routledge
- Fischer-Lichte, Erika (2004) History of European Drama and Theatre, London: Routledge
- Gross Brockett, Oscar (1982) Modern Theatre: Realism and Naturalism to the Present, Boston, Mass / London: Allyn and Bacon
- Innes, Christopher (ed.) (2000) A Sourcebook on Naturalist Theatre, London / New York: Routledge
- Pavis, Patrice (2003) Analyzing Performance: Theatre, Dance and Film. Transl. David Williams, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
- Simmons, Ernest J. (1965) Introduction to Russian Realism, Bloomington: Indiana University Press
- Zarrilli, Phillip B. (2006) Theatre Histories, London: Routledge
Study Skills: Feedback
Work in pairs or groups of three and consider the written feedback you have brought with you (15mins).
- Identify criticisms
- Identify ways in which to address these in the future
- Select a point of criticism that you find difficult to understand or do not know how to address to be discussed with the whole group
- module information and regulations
- The Cherry Orchard: naturalism and realism
- Study Skills: acting on feedback