Middle East Cold War
- Saudi Arabia
- Largest Sunni majority state
- Proxy war with Iran
- The Prophet introduces Islam in 610 C.E.
- Conquest of Arabia
- Muhammad leader
- Muslims united
- Prophet dies in 630 C.E
- Who should lead now?
Political or Religious Divide?
- Overwhelming religious similarities
- Major militant extremists don't focus exclusively on religion
- Anti-Imperialism
- Anti-Zionism
- Anti-America
- The difference is who will lead
Middle East Cold War
The Sunni-Shia Divide
- Iran
- Largest Shia majority state
- Revolution paved way for sectarian state division
- Proxy war with Saudi-Arabia
Presentation by Tom Schwob
Central conflict, who should lead?
-There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet
- Leader is descendent of Muhammad
- Leader is selected by the people, and known as Caliph
- Caliph leader
- Chosen by people on basis of faith
- Abu Bakr chosen
- Leader should be bloodline of Prophet
- Ali ibn Abi Talib
- Son in-law, and Cousin of Muhammad
- Giving to poor
- Daily Prayer
- Pilgrimage to Mecca
- Fasting at Ramadan
Distinctly Sensationalist
Sensationalist with purpose
Distinctly partisan
- Tows line of Democratic party
- Detailed deconstruction of differing views
- Minimal reinforcement of military action
- Underpinning of Scaremongering
- Emphasis on military entanglements
- Supportive of conservative policy goals
- Attention grabbing headlines
- reinforces concentration of division
- Us vs. them mentality at times
- Less of a focus on hard news
- Conflict viewed as distinctly political
- Religion a means to an end
- Less emphasis on Military intervention
- Sunni-Shia simplification makes for good headline
- Supportive of Military interventionism
- Conflict viewed as distinctly religious
- Political understanding less essential