Checks the Growth of Tyranny
More difficult for government to respond quickly to national problems
When one political party looses control of the national gov't, it is still likely to hold office in many states
Nearly 90,000 governments in the United States = division of power............. Would be difficult for one interest group to capture all
Ex. After 9/11 it was difficult for the new Department of Homeland Security to coordinate with 50 state gov'ts and thousands of local gov'ts
Different regions of United States have different wants/needs/morals; national politicians do not have to iron out every difference on every issue that divides us... states can
Difficult for Voters to Hold their Elected Officials Accountable
When something goes well, who should voters reward? When something goes wrong, who should they punish?
Ex. New Orleans was hit hard by Hurricane Katrina - who was to blame for the poor relief response? National gov't? State gov't? Local gov't?
Encourages Experimentation
If states adopt programs that fail, the negative effects are limited; if programs succeed, they can be adopted by other states/national government
States are
"laboratories of democracy"
-Justice Louis Brandeis
Lack of Uniformity Can Lead to Conflict
States often disagree on issues such as health care, school reform, crime control and marriage
Provides Training and Creates Opportunity for Future National Leaders
Variation in Policies = Redundancies and Inefficiencies
Keeps Government Closer to the People
Provides training ground for state/local politicians to gain experience and trust before moving to the national stage
Rules for environmental regulation, labor laws, teacher certification, gun ownership, etc. vary throughout the 50 states; additionally many federal regulations
Provides numerous arenas for decision making; builds on the public's trust in gov't at state/local levels
Companies seeking to do business across state lines must learn many different sets of laws; licensed professions often must be recertified if relocating to another state
Ex. City Councils, School Boards, Neighborhood Associations