What we do.
How we do it.
Next Step:
The School Improvement Process is an ongoing process and is not intended to be a one time occurrence.
Data obtained at each stage informs the next. The process continues.
Lets make a plan.
Using the Tools
What we do
advance-ed.org has developed a suite of tools to plan and monitor progress along the path of school improvement.
- Special Education
- High School Equivalency
- Career and Technical Education
- Post Secondary Education
School Improvement Process
This plan allows the schools and the section to use the same measures and language for success
First Steps
Gather information/Identify the "problems"
How we do it
The "problem" has been defined for us by the Legislation.
Providing quality educational opportunities to prisoners within correctional facilities.
Why we do it.
Are the solutions based in data?
What factors influence the problem?
Are the solutions realistic?
Organize the problem
What are the common traits in our challenges?
Are the solutions focused on Students?
Why do we do it?
School Improvement Process
The mission of the MDOC Prisoner Education system is to facilitate the transition from prison to the community by assisting prisoners in the development of their academic, workplace, and social competencies through effective and cost-effective programs.
- Revised School Code 1976
- 380.1277 School improvement plan.
The true heart of prisoner education.
What this means for us
Federal Requirements
Good Practice
- Title funding
- Special Education
Focus on student achievement
District Improvement Plan
State Requirements
- For K-12 schools
- Workforce Development
- Tied to school aid funding
- Overarching goals for the system
- 3-5 year time horizon
- General enough to capture the goals of the SIPs
What this means for us?
- Get Ready
- Collect Data
- Build Profile
- Implement Plan
- Monitor Plan
- Evaluate Plan
- Analyze data
- Set Goals
- Set measurable objectives
- Research best practices
Annual School Improvement Plans (SIP)
- Focused on student achievement.
- S.M.A.R.T. goals
- 1-3 year timeline
- Currently MDOC only has four SIPs
Source; www.michigan.gov/mde
How. (continued)
Michigan Department of Education has partnered with advanc-ed.org to provide the framework and training for Continuous School Improvement.