What are Bartenieff Fundamentals?
- Bartenieff Fundamentals are a set of exercises and principles developed by Irmgard Bartenieff
- The purpose is for corrective body movements and patterns
- The methods and concept are designed by kinesiological functioning
- The principles are based on Rudolf Laban’s movement theories of physiological functions of the human body
Irmgard Bartenieff
Bartenieff Concepts
There are many varieties and versions of Bartenieff Fundamentals.
- Inmgard Bartenieff is a physical therapist, choreographer, dance theorist, and dance therapist
- Bartenieff developed her method in 1940
- She studied with Rudolph Laban in Germany in 1925
Some examples include:
- Dynamic Alignment
- Breath Support
- Core Support
- Rotary Factor
- Initiation and Sequencing
- Spatial Intent
- Center of Weight/Weight Transference
- Effort Intent
- Developmental Patterning
Another example of a Bartenieff Fundamental is the Knee Drop
Basic 6
Another Bartenieff body connectivity concept are the Basic 6.
- Breath Preparation
- Rocking Preparation
- Thigh Lift (Hip Flexion)
- Pelvic Forward Shift
- Pelvic Lateral Shift
- Body Half
- Diagonal Knee Reach (‘Knee Drop’)
- Arm Circles & Diagonal Sit - Up
The Basic 6 is a group of movement sequences.
Breath Preparation
Pelvic Lateral Shift
Purpose: Breath to find your core
- “Movement rides on the flow of the breath”. Be aware of “subtle inner shape changes in the cavities (mouth, chest, abdomen) . . . and fine gradations . . . that occur in different configurations of limbs . . . [and] subtleties in phrasing.” - (Bartenieff & Lewis, 1980, p. 232)
- Finding a breathing pattern to recuperate
- To find an internal state, proprioceptive self, and internal core
To transfer of weight laterally using the pelvic floor and hamstrings without any moving the hip
- Inhaling & Concaving Lungs - inflating muscle pressure
- Exhaling & Convexing Lungs - deflating muscle pressure
- Vowels
- Base of Skull: "iiih" sound
- Cervical & Thoracic Regions: "eeh" sound
- Thoracic Vertebrae: "aah" sound
- Lumbar Vertebrae: "oh" sound
- Sacrum & Coccyx Region: "ooooo" sound
Body Half
Rocking Preparation
To develop an awareness of the vertical mid-line of the body
"To bring awareness and encouragement to movement relationships amongst heels, pelvis, spine, and head"
Initiation areas in relationship to the core
The action is a gentle and light rocking motion
The legs can be bent or straight with the heels on floor
The movement can be initiated from the heels connected to the pelvic floor & sit bones, or the core
An example of the Rocking Preparation is
displayed at 0:45
Diagonal Knee Reach
Thigh Lift (Hip Flexion)
To find an awareness of the pelvic floor connection to the limbs as the lower-body is twisting against upper-body
Purpose: To moblize the hips efficiently by utlizing the iliopsoas, hip flexors. It is to also create a awareness of a pelvic tilt and a folding during hip flexion
This action is intiated by utlitizing the core, breath, and iliopsoas
Pelvic Forward Shift
Arm Circles & Diagonal Sit Up
- To find a connection between the heels and the sit bones
- To find a forward and backward transfer of body weight
To develop an 3- dimensional awareness of the shoulder joint rotation in relationship to the head, eyes, and sternum. To create a relationship between the "arm-shoulder-scapula-latissimus" connection to lower body
An example of the Arm Circles movement
is displayed at 9:41
An example of the Pelvic Forward Shift is
displayed at 3:28