Sandra Bitar
The Objectified Woman
- Women are seen as sexual objects
- Women are characterized by their physical appearances.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- stereotypes are misguided and unacceptable
- Feminism is not a dirty word
The Dominating Wife
- The wife who dominates her husband is callous and hateful
- Dominating women make their husbands feel deficient, take away their masculinity
- "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving
The Submissive Wife
- The main characteristics of a good wife are obedience, inferiority, and a willingness to please
- Sexism is evident in classic American literature
- Women were often depicted in domestic roles.
Classic American Authors include:
-Harper Lee
The Educated Woman
Feminist Literary Criticism
- Educated women were depicted as unattractive, and socially awkward
- Women should pursue marriage, not education.
- Reading from a feminist lens
-understand the role that women play in literature
-examine the relationships between male and
female characters
-challenge the negative representations