- How has colonialism shaped the world we live in?
- 15th and 16th century Spanish and Portuguese expansion into New World and Asia in search of new trade routes
- 17th and 18th Century Northern European Expansion into the New World
- Domination through "ecological imperialism"
- Growth through dispossession
What stood out today?
What did we learn today?
Colonialism and Anthropology
Moor (2016) On Trail: an exploration
How did native Americans change the landscape?
How did Europeans changes the landscape?
What cultural values underly these different approaches?
How are nature and culture separated?
How did a shift to capitalism change our relationship with the environment?
What is the myth of the "noble savage" ?
How has our cultural views of mountains changed over time?
How did these changing cultural values change the mountains?
What are the differences between Mt Washington and Mt Katahdin?
What is wilderness and is it wild?
Why were hiking trails built? The AT?
18th and 19th Century Colonialism and Imperialism
- Expands to include Asia, the Pacific, and eventually Africa
- Linked to European technological developments in warfare and industrialization as well as a cure for malaria
Get in Groups of Three
Discuss the following questions:
How does colonialism and Imperialism work?
How is control maintained?
What is the relationship between trade and colonialism?
How has colonialism impacted the environment?
Consumerism, Colonialism, and Stuff
- How has colonialism shaped what we produce?
- How is production and consumption related to our identity?
- How is consumption related to colonialism?
- Why is money valuable?
World Systems Theory
- Entire world economic and political systems become interconnected in new ways
- Anthropology develops as a discipline.
- Origins of current globalized capitalism and ecological systems
Longue Duree- longterm historical perspective to understand the current state of the world
Marxism- Relations of production and class conflict
INTER-RELATED nature of the World
Colonialism and World Systems Theory
Thought Question.
What is colonialism?
How does it shape the world we live in?