This graphic organizer was made to help in identifying key standards of professional ethics and applying them to teacher - based coaching. This presentation will help to guide new teachers as well as new mentors in ways to teach and apply good ethical standards. This presentation is meant as a learning tool for student teachers and mentor teachers.
cinelearning (2014, June 7). Teacher Ethics Video [Video file]. Retrieved from website
International Coaches Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics (2011) Retrieved from
Mind Tools LTD. (1996-2014). Retrieved from
Conflicts of Interest
Professional Conduct at Large
ICF Standard # 12
ICF Standard #3
Confidentiality / Privacy
- I will not knowingly take any personal, professional or monetary advantage or benefit of the coach-client relationship, except by a form of compensation as agreed in the agreement or contract.
ICF Standard # 22
- I will recognize and honor the efforts and contributions of others and not misrepresent them as my own. I understand that violating this standard may leave me subject to legal remedy by a third party.
Professional Conduct with Clients
- I will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client and sponsor information. I will have a clear agreement or contract before releasing information to another person, unless required by law.
Teacher - Based Coaching
ICF Standard # 14
Teacher-Based Coaching
Teacher - Based Coaching
- I will not give my prospective clients or sponsors information or advice I know or believe to be misleading or false.
- As a teacher I will not take anything from parents or students that can be seen as a bribe or payment for preferential treatment. I will only accept my salary as substantial payment for my committed educational work.
Teacher - Based Coaching
- As a teacher I will always teach and protect against plagiarism and copyright infringement. I will teach both students and peers that the misrepresentation of data that is not their own not only creates dishonest relationships but is illegal.
- As a teacher I will always maintain the confidential information of both students and peers. I will never give information to anyone other than educational staff and peers related to the educational standings of a student. I will maintain confidential records for progression purposes and I will always dispose of any confidential materials according to FERPA laws and regulations.
- As a teacher I will not lie or mislead my students or peers in any way. I will always relate my educational information in a manner that is professional and does not include any personal beliefs or ideas that can lead to misunderstandings of the content or the material.
What is coaching?
ICF Standards of
Ethical Conduct
Four Main Categories
Teacher Ethics Video
- Coaching is a useful way of developing people's skills and abilities, and of boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems. (Mind Tools LTD, 2014)
- Professional Conduct At Large
- Conflicts of Interest
- Professional Conduct with Clients
- Confidentiality and Privacy
What is Professional Coaching?
- Most formal, professional coaching is carried out by qualified people who work with clients to improve their effectiveness and performance, and help them achieve their full potential. (Mind Tools LTD, 2014)
This is one of several teacher ethics based videos that would be effective learning tools when it comes to coaching peer teachers on ethical standards.
What is the ICF?
In this graphic organizer I will choose a standard from each of the four main categories and relate this standard to teacher based coaching. This presentation will be used to help teachers understand the ethics of coaching, and help them understand the best way to incorporate ethical standards into everyday teaching.
- International Coach Foundation
How does ICF define coaching?
- ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
Code Of Ethics Graphic Organizer
Jennifer Brummett
EDL / 531
November 17, 2014
Dr. Sara Mattson