The choice of one type of
referring expression rather than
another seems to be based on
what the speaker assumes the
listener already knows
The nature of reference interpretation is also
what allows the readers to make sense of
newspaper headlines using names of
There seems to be a PRAGMATIC CONNECTION between
proper nouns and objects that will be conventionally
associated, within a socio-culturally defined
community, with those names.
Shakespeare takes up the whole bottom shelf.
We´re going to see Shakespeare in London.
A play
I hated Shakespeare at school.
Reading his plays
There is a convention that certain referring
expressions will be used to identify certain
entities on a regular basis. This appears to
work between all members of a community
who share a common language and culture.
Brazil wins World Cup.
co-text limits the range of
possible interpretations
provides a range of reference, that is,
a number of possible referents.
Can I borrow your Shakespeare?
Yes, it´s over there on the table.
A book.
Where´s the cheese sandwich sitting?
He´s over there by the window.
A person.
There was no sign of the killer.
The physical environment
The speaker does not know for sure
if there is a person who could be the
referent of the definite expression.
It has a powerful impact on how referring expressions are to be interpreted.
The cheese sandwich is made with white bread.
The cheese sandwich left without paying.
If there has been a killer...
Attributive use (Whoever
fits the description)
Context: a restaurant
The different co-texts lead to a different type of interpretation in each case.
There was an assumption that the use of words to
refer to people and things was a relatively straightforward
The heart-attack mustn´t be moved.
A hospital.
Not all referring expressions have
identifiable physical referents
Your ten-thirty just cancelled.
A man: indefinite noun phrase
There´s a man waiting for you.
He wants to marry a woman with lots of money.
A dentist´s office
A woman: entity that is known to the speaker only in terms of its descriptive properties.
We´d love to find a nine-foot tall basketball player.
A couple of rooms have complained about the heat.
nine-foot tall basketball player: entities that do not exist.
A hotel reception
Mister Aftershave is late today
In the film, a man and a woman
were trying to wash a cat. The man was holding
the cat while the woman poured water on it. He said something to her and they started laughing.
referring expression
The speaker is relying on the listener´s ability
to infer what referent we have in mind.
A man and a woman were trying to wash a cat.
often indefinite
For successful refence to occur, we must recognize the role of
The man was holding the cat while the woman poured water on it. He said something to her and they started laughing.
Wikipedia: "Inference is the act or process of deriving logical conclusions
from premises known or assumed to be true".
makes reference to already introduced references.
Clearly tied to the speaker´s
for example, to identify something
This is called CATAPHORA
An act in which a speaker or
writer uses linguistic forms
to enable a listener or reader
to identify something.
and the speaker´s beliefs
for example, can the listener be expected to know that particular something?
It is less common than Anaphora.
I turned the corner and almost stepped on it. There was a large snake in the middle of the path.
is difficult to interpret until the full noun phrase is presented in the next line.