Khoisan Population
- Mainly Located in Namibia and Botswana
- Rapidly decreasing in popularity
Body Language
- kinestics
- use hands to shape things around them as well as reference what they are talking about
Botswana and the Khoe People
Rock Art as
Nonverbal Communication
- The Khoe people of Botswana are communally oriented
- in tune with nature
- effort seeking to express the inexpressible via symbols
Glottalized Nasal Clicks
- closing the glottis
- full glottal closure: no nasal airflow during the click itself
Khoisan Language
- Comprise the smallest phylum of African languages.
- Mainly spoken by the Khoi and Bushmen (San) people.
- Today they are only spoken in the Kalahari Desert and Tanzania.
- Barnard, Alan, Professor. "Language in Prehistory."
Google Books. Cambridge University Press, 2016. Web.
- Chebanne, A. (2010). The Khoisan in Botswana - Can
multicultural discourses redeem them?. Journal Of Multicultural Discourses, 5(2), 87. doi:10.1080/17447141003639801
- Jones, R. G. (2013). Communication in the Real
World: An Introduction to Communication Studies. Washington DC: Flatworld Knowledge.
- Köhler, O. R. (n.d.). Khoisan languages. Retrieved
March 18, 2016, from
- Vossen, Rainer. "Studying the Linguistic and Ethno-
History of the Khoe-speaking (central Khoisan) Peoples of Botswana, Research in Progress." Botswana Notes and Records 16 (1984): 19-35. Web.
Verbal Communication
Try This!
Suffixes are often used
- word order is overall more widely used than inflection.
- Grammatical systems are quite unique.
- Difficult to determine their genetic relationship to each other and to other African languages.(Poor Documentation)
Word: small
Proto-North Khoisan: *cʔema
=Hoan: |kxui
Proto-!Wi: *cʔe
Proto-Taa: *|qa̰
Word: sleep
Proto-North Khoisan:*cʔa
=Hoan: *ca/*čʔa
Proto-!Wi: *ʘVin
Proto-Taa: *ʘɔ̂in
Word: smoke
Proto-North Khoisan: *šore
=Hoan: ʒ́ṵe
Proto-!Wi: *ɡ||o
Proto-Taa: *ckxâjV
Khoisan Language Family
Cameron Barbieri, Kari Condel, Shannon Kimberly