The Alternate Ending
- Mexico ends up conquering the Southern slave states.
- Shortly after, gold is discovered in California and Mexico becomes rich.
- Independence Day is now on September 15 and 16.
- Benito Juarez fights not only for indigenous Mexican Indians but also for the Native Americans.
Mexico in 1821
What if Mexico had won?
Once Mexico gained independence from Spain, this was its territory.
The Alternate Ending
- Texas was annexed by Andrew Jackson
- Civil War was initiated prematurely
- Polk still wins the 1844 election and initiates the Mexican-American War.
- Mexican troops actually wins some battles and win the Mexican-American War.
- Polk is declared a failure as a president and commits suicide.
- Mexico keeps the territory the US originally took
- Instead, MX invades the US and causes slave revolts in the south.
Mexico after 1824
5 states also known as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua left Mexico to go and become indepenedent nations.
America won the Mexican-American War so...
Mexico after 1848
After the Mexican-American War, Mexico lost a part of its territory.
The Ill Effects :(
- Mexico would be in America's current health situation. Mexican cuisine can get very greasy; esp. tacos. Taco Bell's would be a thing of the past.
- Presidents would continue to be corrupt and marijauna would most likely be legalized.
An Alternate Ending
- Holidays would last for forever (the parties would be phenomenal though) and the legal drinnking age would be 18, leading to more car accidents.
- Instead of railroads, underground metro systems are installed.
- Americans migrating to Mexico can enter freely and aren't prosecuted as illegal aliens.
What if... Mexico had won the Mexican-American War
Missel De Leon