Looking good! Let's meet up after lunch to finalize.
Practice demos for NextPoint:
- vbInSight
- VeriBalance
- vbEPIX
- vbScout
- vbForecast
This is my third go-around selling to large enterprises, SkyStream, Kontiki and now Qumu.
I like to explain to you the problem the way I see it, the changes I suggest to avoid making the same mistake again. and
The Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC) exceeds the Life Time Value (LTV) a customer brings us.
Pain Points
Interview take aways
1. Complicated investigations
2. Wasted expense & time
3. Patterns of poor performance
4. Enforcing goal
5. Manually compiling data
6. Missed opportunities
Loss Prevention
How can I make
this chaos better...?
Common vbInSight Questions
(be able to answer)
- When will vbInSight be available?
- How is the solution implemented?
- Do I have to have VeriBalance to use vbInSight?
How's this looking?
Please provide any edits... Need to finalize asap.
Kristi - Please review.
Planning to use for
2013 marketing.