Employee Role in service Delivery
Boundary Spanners
Service Quality Dimensions
- The frontline employees who operate at peripheral level or the boundary of the organisation.
- They transfer information to and from the organisation..by understanding,filtering and interpreting it.
- Employees are the main part of organisation.
- Essential element in service delivery
- Important to both Company and Customers.
- In short responsible for both, Success and failure
All service dimensions:
- Reliability
- Responsiveness
- Assurance
- Empathy
- Tangibles..Are directly influenced by service employees
- Measures and reward performers.
- Treat employees as customers.
- Include employees in the company’s vision.
- They cover the full spectrum of jobs and professions
- At one end are the low qualified and low skilled workers and at the other end are the highly skilled and qualified professionals.
- Irrespective of the skill or job,most boundary spanners aften go through highly stressful situations.
- They are also required to handle inter personal and inter organizational conflicts
- Person/ Role conflict
- Organization/ Client conflict
- Inter client conflict
What is Service
Importance Of Service Employees
- Develop service oriented internal procedures/ processes.
- Provide supportive technology and equipments
- Measure internal service quality
- Employee are the ‘Service’
- They are the ‘Brand’
- They are the ‘Organization’
- They are the ‘Marketers’
- They are the 'Most Visible Element’ in the service scope
- Efforts required to deliver quality service
- Suppression of true feelings.
- Emote with friendliness, empathy, responsiveness, courtesy towards their customers
Strategies To Build A Customer Oriented Organization
Hire The Right Type Of Employees
Group Members
- Compete for the best people
- Hire for service competencies and service inclinations.
- Be the preferred employer.
- Hiring the right type of employees.
- Train and develop them to deliver service quality
- Provide the needed support system.
- Retain the best people
Shreedhar Dube-012161
Shreyash Agrawal-012198
Ajay Tailor-012190
Ranveer chouhan-012189
Nitish meta- 012185
Varsha mane- 012188
To- Mrs. Gagandeep Nagra