- NMT or UNM
- Study both Fine Arts & Chemical Engineering
- Someday become an artist and/or chemist
- Learn how to play different instruments
- Learn different languages
- Travel
- Start a family
Presentación del Sello Bilingüe
Bilingual Seal Presentation
Jazmine Torres
John Winston Lennon:
- biografía
- mínimo de 5 paginas
- infancia - adultez
- mencionar sus grandes éxitos
- el uso de la gramática correcta
- formato MLA
- John Winston Lennon: Objective was to write a biography on his life and successes
- Ascendancy Objective was to compare a common theme between two novels and a play
- Comparison Essay
- All Quiet on The Western Front Erich Maria Remarque
- Lord of the Flies William Golding
- The Tragedy of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare
- Common theme: Power
- MLA Format
- Minimum of 4 quotations
- Lowell Elementary School
- Navajo Elementary School
- Harrison Middle School
- Jefferson Middle School
- Highland High School
- Albuquerque High School
Resultados de Exámenes:
- Primer intento: 23
- Segundo intento: 23
- Tercer intento: 24
- Bailarina Steampunk: Una forma de arte que incorpora la maquinaria y/o trozos de metal.
- Las Medias Rojas: Una obra sobre una muchacha que desea escapar la vida que tiene a lado de su padre.
Las Medias Rojas:
About Me:
- 18 years old
- Mexican/American
- Spanish is my first language
- youngest of 3 and the only girl
- I have attended 6 different schools
- Passion:Art
- Dibujo
- Pintura
- Musica
- La lectura
- Natación
- Viajar
- Netflix
Personal Accomplishments:
- South Valley Organic Acres
- Mentes Abiertas
- Neufeld Academy of Art
- GSA (Gay/straight Alliance)
Critical Thinking Projects:
Quantitative Study of a Reaction
- Objective
- Safety Rules
- written Procedure
- Work in laboratory
- Data & Observations
- Mathematics in the London Eye
- Quantitative Study of a Reaction Lab Report
Lab Report:
- Calculations
- Questions
- Conclusion
Matemáticas en
El Ojo de Londres
- circunferencia
- Velocidad
- velocidad angular
- distancias de arco entre carretas
- tabla de datos
- etc.
Inglés Español
- Biología Analítica Sr.Hernandez
- Química Analítica Sra.Rutter
- Física Sr.Hernandez
- English 9 Honors Mrs. Armijo
- English 10 Honors Mrs. Gorrell
- English 11 Mrs. Hart
- English 12 Mrs. Manning
- Spanish I Mrs. Arroyos
- Spanish II Mrs. Jurado
- AP Spanish Lang.Arts Mrs. Gandart
- AP Spanish Literature Mrs. Jurado
Course of Study Reflections
Freshman Year
- Computer Graphics I
- Art I
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
- Drawing & Painting I
- AP Psychology
- Historia del Mundo AP Bilingüe Sra.Farmin
- Historia de EE.UU. AP Bilingüe Sr.Cervantes
- Gobierno y Economía Sr.Cervantes
- Historia de Nuevo México Sr.Strauss
- Algebra I Honors Mrs.Martinez
- Geometry Honors Mrs.Robison
- Algebra II Mrs.Martinez
- Precalc Mrs.Quintana