
Prezi AI.

Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

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What sociological theory do you align yourself with the most and why?

Social Conflict

Structural Functional

Critical Thinking Activity:


1. We will be able to define and analyze the three main sociological perspectives--Structural-Functional, Social-Conflict, and Symbolic-Interaction.

2. We will be able to create our own examples of the three sociological perspectives.

2. "The idea that the individual can understand his own experience and gauge his own fate only by locating himself within his period, that he can know his own chance in life only becoming aware of those of all individuals in his circumstances"--How does this quote relate to sociological imagination?

1. What do you see in the three images and how do these relate to sociology?

1. Structural-Functional

-manifest functions (intended) & latent functions (unintended purposes that were created)

-EXAMPLES license plates: manifest function: to track vehicle registrations; latent function: license plates are collectibles

The basics

  • A macro (broad focus on social structures that shape society as a whole)-level orientation, broad patterns
  • Views society as a complex system; work together to promote stability

A Closer Look...


Perspectives Collage:

2. Social-Conflict

License Plates: The state makes car owners and renters have plates = shows us the power of the state. If we have some higher economic power, we can obtain personalized plates

  • The basics:
  • A macro-oriented
  • Inequality & Conflict
  • Key elements:
  • Society is structured to benefit a few and keep power
  • Race, sex, class, and age are linked inequality.
  • Dominant vs. disadvantaged

In Groups:

  • Work to decipher what quote and question belongs to the correct perspective.
  • When you think you have them correct, come and present your findings to me. The winning team will receive a prize.
  • Work in groups to find 6 different examples from popular media
  • You will present and complete the chart on the back.
  • For homework, write a reflection on what perspective you relate to the most with examples

How Do Perspectives Explain Change

Basic assumptions of symbolic interactionalism?


Critical Evaluation

Conflict Perspective

  • As the balance of power shifts between the different groups of society results in societal change
  • Women's movement is attempting to change the power between men and women
  • Gender roles are changing as well
  • Women are choosing to work more
  • Men are helping more around the house


  • Society is considered a whole
  • Change in one part results in change in the whole society
  • A major change in the economy, may change the family
  • Industrialization-->less children being born


First assumption

  • We learn the meaning of symbols by the way we see others reacting to it

Second assumption

  • Once we learn the meanings of symbols we base our behavior on them

Third assumption

  • We use the meanings of symbols to imagine how others will respond to our behavior

  • Structural-Functional
  • Too broad, ignores inequalities
  • Social-Conflict
  • Too broad, ignores how shared values and mutual interdependence unify society
  • Symbolic-Interaction
  • Ignores larger social structures, effects of culture, factors such as class, gender & race

License Plates: every car is supposed to have one-if we have a generic = conformity to the role of auto-owner or renter.

-If we have a personalized plate style= communicating our support of whatever cause

-If we have a personalized plate = sending a symbolic message about who we are and that we are rich enough and clever enough to have this special plate.

The basics

  • A micro (patterns of intimate social relations)-level orientation, focus on specific interactions
  • Stress the notion that people help create their social circumstances and do not merely react to them.

Key elements

  • Life is like a play, and all the people are players
  • There are roles, norms, symbols (Anything that stands for something else and has an agreed upon meaning attached to it --Flag) that people give meaning to in society
  • If labeled something people try to match those behaviors

The Big Three-Sociological Perspectives

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