Eduard Einstein Vs. Schizophrenia
Early Sign Symptoms
- The whole divorce bewteen his parents and later the absence of his father had a strong effect on him.
- He than had to be instutionalized many times for ill situations.
- Throughout frequent illness and early signs of emotional instability.
- Later at the age of 20 he was diagnos with Schizophrenia.
- Later on his life, mother died in 1948 and he was permanently instutionalyzed at Burgholzi.
- At the age of 55 Eduard died of a stroke and a cure was not found.
- Legacy of Eduard's illness was later used to create public awareness about Schizophrenia.
The Development of Schizophrenia
- Eduard's psychological disorder developed through out his late adolescence and early adulthood.
- Since Mileva's sister Zorka suffer from mental illness, both parents were aware of Eduard's passion for learning and his amazing memory.
- As time went by Eduard became increasingly moody, withdrawn, and suicidal.
Eduard's Treatment's
- He was the second son of a famous physicist Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric.
- Eduard was born in Zurich, Switzerland on July 28 1910
- Eduard was a student whom had a flair for music, poetry, and medicine to become a psychiatrist.
- Eduard was treated with various doctors including Sigmund Freud.
- As well as being treated for schizophrenia, he was overdosed with drugs and harmed by the many "cures" that were used at the time.
- Due to his brother reasoning he believed that what had ruined Eduard was the Electric Shock Treatment.
- Eduard was than placed in the University of Zurich psychiatric hospital, known as Burgholzi for first time.