The Life of Isaac Newton
Isaac was an English physicist and mathematician. He is one of the most influential scientists of all time and in his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica highlight many of his discoveries.
A funny take on the Newton's Apple Story!
"Sir Isaac Newton." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.
Early Life
Full Name: Sir Isaac Newton
Born: January 4th 1643, Woolsthorpe, England.
Death: March 31 1727. London England
Occupations:Philosopher, Mathematician, Astronomer, Physicist, Scientist.
Spouse: None
Education: University of Cambridge and The Kings School.
Coat of Arms:
- Isaac Newton was born in the hamlet of Woolsthorpe,
- His father was a farmer, who died 3 months before.
- His mother, Hannah Newton remarried at the age of 3.
- He attended King’s School and finished his basic education.
"Sir Isaac Newton." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.
"Sir Isaac Newton." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.
- In June 1661, he was admitted the University of Cambridge to finish his post secondary studies during the scientific revolution .
- During his time at school he was influenced by scientists such as Galileo. Copernicus and Kepler.
- In 1665, he developed a binomial theorem which later developed into calculus and returned to his hometown.
Isaac Newton." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.
scientific Achievements
Laws of motion
- In 1672, Newton discovered that when white light passed through a prism it broke up in to a wide color band (rainbow) called a spectrum.
- Next he passed a single through the prism and it remained unchanged.
- From this experiment he concluded that white light is a mixture of colors.
- He also invented
- Newton published the book, Opticks in 1702 which explains the nature of light.
First law: When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.
Second law:The vector sum of the forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration vector a of the object: F = ma.
Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.
- In 1669, he returns to Cambridge and is appointed professor of mathematics, during his time there he made several discoveries that changed the way we view the world today.
- His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica was published in 1687 which gained him international fame.
- From 1689 to 1702 he was a member of Parliament in England
- In 1696, he was appointed the warden of the Royal Mint.
- Knighted by Queen Anne in 1705.
"Newton's laws of motion". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2014
Isaac Newton." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.
Law of Universal Gravitation
Death and Legacy
Personal Life
- Newton first wondered ‘ What keeps the moon in in its regular path around earth?”.
- After further experimentation, he came to the conclusion that an invisible force acts between them called “gravity”.
- He also formulated an equation:
- Sir Isaac Newton died in his sleep, while suffering abdominal pains in 1727.
- Newton's monument built in 1730 is found in Westminster Alley.
- For a decade, they produced a 1 pound banknote featuring Newton.
- He never got married and lived alone in his middle years.
- Newton suffered from depression and was sometimes violent.
- He was an introvert and valued his privacy.
- In mid-1693, he suffered a nervous breakdown and though his friends were conspiring against him.
"Isaac Newton." 2014. The Famous People website. Nov 28 2014, 07:41
We build too many walls and not enough bridges.
- Isaac Newton
"Isaac Newton." Xplore Inc, 2014. 28 November 2014.